

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Indian Summer

     This expression is usually reserved for a warm spell in November, but it has been so gloriously hot and over 20C for the last week that I think it qualifies! The trees are quite brilliant at the moment but are beginning to lose their leaves. Soon it will be time to start raking.

   Tomorrow may be the last day, though, as the rest of the week is forecast to be more autumnal - low to mid-teens and some badly needed rain. We had a good game of tennis on Sunday - I actually lasted on the court for the full hour and a half - but didn't do much for the rest of the day. The garden is pretty much tidied for winter but I will keep filling the bird bath until we have minus temperatures. I think the birds are delaying their departure for warmer climes because of the extended summer. Of course, there are still lots who stay around all winter. No idea how they survive!

Monday 14 October 2024

Giving Thanks

    Today was Thanksgiving Day in Canada but, for me, it has been another week of overeating!

    Last Thursday, at the Seniors' Centre it was pumpkin pie day to all who showed up. There was actually a choice of pumpkin or apple but I had the traditional pumpkin with whipped cream. Yummy!

   On Saturday I was invited to a community dinner at the local church even though I'm not a church-goer. This time it was the full meal - turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, vegetables and coleslaw followed by, you guessed it, pumpkin or apple pie! This time I chose apple and it was excellent as was all the food. I went home rather over stuffed, just like the turkey!

    Sunday was a quiet day at home with very light meals but today, again, it was the whole works with the family, another delicious meal starting with pumpkin soup and this time it was back to pumpkin pie. I brought home some leftovers (mostly brussell sprouts as I'm the only one who really likes them). Guess what I will be eating for dinner tomorrow! By that time I will be thoroughly sick of turkey and anything that tastes of pumpkin!

BTW, before the family meal we went around the table saying what we were thankful for and the main sentiment was to be healthy and to have sufficient food, given how many people around the world who are affected by wars and horrendous weather are having to go without.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Autumn Days

    Decidedly cooler today although I haven't had to turn on the heat yet. We were well wrapped up for tennis this morning but I had stripped off two layers by the time I stopped. Our tennis days are drawing to a close as one club moves over to indoor tennis next week by erecting a "bubble" over the courts (I don't join as it is too expensive) and the other club closes down at the end of October. That will be it until next April, sadly.

   The overnight temperature is set to be around 6C tonight so I have brought in all my indoor plants that have been summering outside. I checked them for bugs before bringing them in but inevitably will have missed a few! The plants themselves are all looking very healthy and seem to have benefitted from the extra light they get outdoors. They will likely die back a bit in the coming months but right now look very healthy. The fern has done especially well but the Hibiscus will need to be pruned as it has grown rather tall and spindly. 

  Off to warm up some leftovers for dinner. I made a big batch of rice and chicken stir-fry the other day so it will hit the spot. 

Monday 7 October 2024

My Food Diary

    I  picked up some of the local corn today from the farmer who brings it into the city in his truck. He was parked at the gas station on my way to Bridge today. I always like to support the local farmers but also buy it because it is incredibly fresh! I will have a cob with dinner tonight.

   Last week was just too much eating out. On Thursday the RODEO ladies (Retired Old Dames Eating Out) went to Eately Restaurant for the "I for Italian" page of our Eating Around the World project. I had decided not to eat Italian and had bay scallops with salad and rustic bread - a light lunch but not something I would normally cook for myself. Most of the group had pasta or pizza. Eately is rather a posh place but not overwhelmingly so, so it was a pleasant experience. 

   The following day it was Italian cuisine again at "Scaddabush" with the family, ostensibly a late birthday party for myself as oldest grandson was home from uni for the weekend. There, I did eat Italian with a mushroom pasta dish with truffle oil. It was very good, I would definitely eat there again. Natalie had pizza, Elliot had tortellini and Judy was very good and had a goat cheese and beet salad. 

    Now back to plain cooking for a few days but Thanksgiving is coming up on the weekend so I had better be prepared!


Monday 30 September 2024

No Chocolate Left Uneaten

    Lots of treats this weekend as it is my birthday today. Fresh flowers and chocolates from both kids and an invite to dinner later this week when oldest grandson is home from uni for the weekend.

   In addition, last Friday at the Seniors' Centre Volunteer Appreciation lunch there were more gifts and chocolate and I also won a raffle prize - a couple of kitchen gadgets which I plan to exchange. The lunch was quite delicious and there was a huge cake for dessert. Our local councillor was in attendance to hand out certificates; there were about 30 of us recognized for our efforts on behalf of the seniors. Lastly, one of my tennis friends produced my favourite Lindor truffles at the courts on Sunday as an early Birthday present and I am ashamed to say I ate them all in one go that night while watching TV!

   Having consumed so much chocolate over the last two days I am determined to cut back on my chocolate consumption for the next week or so but will finish what I have in the house first. No point in leaving temptation in the way of my good resolve!

Monday 23 September 2024

It Was Bound to Come to an End

     Last of the summer BBQ's at the Seniors' Centre today, followed by Bridge. My partner and I had great cards and won two rubbers which makes up for last week's dismal result. I brought home half of the lunch and will have it for dinner tonight, it was very plentiful!

    I brought in a humungous tomato yesterday, it weighed over a lb. Not sure how I will use it as the large ones tend to be a bit dense so it will probably go into a stew or sauce. The smaller ones are better for sandwiches or salads and there are still plenty of them to pick.  

   The pool will be closed down on Wednesday but I have swum almost every day up until yesterday. The weather has suddenly turned very Autumnal although September has been superb on the whole. A stormy night forecast tonight then cooler temperatures for the rest of the week.

Monday 9 September 2024

Reaping the Harvest

    Terrible cards at Bridge today - I only played one hand and didn't make the contract. It was a ridiculous 5 clubs and I have no idea how we reached that! The other team won two rubbers and were leading in the third when we decided to stop.

   I walked over to the Senior's centre for Bridge and was lucky that it didn't rain coming or going as it was pelting down at one point while we were playing. Good for the garden, though! Things are winding down out there and I have started clearing the beds that are past their best. Some of the perennials are putting on a glorious show, especially the sedum. I will leave it to over winter as it makes an interesting display among the drifts of snow. 

   Still picking tomatoes but the cucumbers, rhubarb and zucchini are done. I made a small jar of rhubarb relish to finish off the last few stalks so that will be a lovely reminder of summer on my meals later in the year. 


Friday 6 September 2024

A Rainy Day

 Have to create a new post in order to get signed in, for some reason. Anybody else experienced that?

    It has rained off and on all day which has been good for the grass and vegetable beds. I didn't try to go to tennis as I was sure the courts would be wet. I had lots of errands to run so filled the day easily. And there was tennis to watch. Jack Draper put up a good fight against numero uno Yannick Sinner. The final on Sunday should be a good match.

   A nice piece of salmon for dinner and I plan to have it with a side of quinoa so better get cracking!

Thursday 29 August 2024

Nearing the End

    After some hot days, the nights are becoming cooler so I am thinking we are approaching the end of the summer. I had a dip in the pool today, after an hour of sweaty gardening, but it may be the last. It's still a month until the pool is closed down so I will try and brave the cooler water for as long as possible. Stay tuned!

    Nothing much going on in my neck of the woods. Last week I went for Dim Sum with some friends from my Probus club, that was a fun and cheap (only $12) lunch and I hope we do it again. I love Dim Sum which means "little treasures". They are bite-sized tasty dumplings and other concoctions both sweet and savoury, and are shared around a table with a lazy susan in the centre.  A very communal way of dining.

   There was another BBQ at the Seniors' Centre last week too which is also a good deal, just $5 for a beef burger, potato salad and coleslaw, with a pop and ice cream included. Can't beat that price!

   This week I have been kept entertained watching the U.S Tennis Open, still one Canadian surviving but he is in the middle of a tight match with a French opponent at the moment. Hope he survives. He has a massive serve which has got him out of trouble in a couple of games so far. Must stop and see how he is doing. 

Wednesday 14 August 2024

    Still picking lots of tomatoes and the zucchini plants have taken on a new growth spurt. I made zucchini fritters yesterday and had them with a tomato and cucumber salad. Tomorrow I plan to make zucchini chocolate cake (remembered to pick up some coca powder today) and another batch of Bolongaise sauce for the freezer. 

   Apart from all that I need to keep ahead of the grass cutting as we have had lots of rain recently and it is growing gangbusters, also the weeds! So there is always something to do in the garden.

    Last week I was out every day at the tennis tournament - the Canadian Open - as a volunteer, scanning tickets at the entry gate. The women were playing here and the men in Montreal and, as far as the women went, it was all-Americans, although a Canadian was in the doubles final. I think the men had a greater variety of countries represented. 

   Now I am off to make a pre-prandial appetizer with, you guessed it, tomatoes. It will be bruschetta (pronounced "bruscetta" according to Gino my favourite Italian cooking show host) and, with some garlic, olive oil and grated Parmesan, it will be delicious!

Sunday 28 July 2024

A Busy Sunday

   Tennis at 8:00 a.m. today and it was quite pleasant. However, by the time we stopped it was really heating up. We plan to keep playing early for a few more weeks yet. Straight into the pool when I got home before having a late breakfast. I did eat a banana to sustain me while we were playing.

   Used up what may be the last zucchini today, there don't seem to be any more setting. That will be a disappointment as last year they went on forever! I made a chocolate zucchini cake which I will take to the tennis social on Tuesday. It turned out well and I cut it into 36 small squares so everyone can try it. That used 1 cup, grated. Then I cubed the rest and it went into the dinner casserole along side a lamb chop and other vegetables. That will probably do me two days. It really was too hot to have the oven on but at least I had two things to bake. Now the A/C is working overtime!

   The tomatoes are coming on gangbusters. As predicted, every meal at the moment has tomatoes in some form or another. My favourite lunch is Panzanella which is an Italian tomato and bread salad in which the bread soaks up all the juices from the tomato and the vinaigrette. I toss in other veggies, olives, chunks of cheese or whatever needs eaten up. Yummy! A gigantic tomato  went into tonight's casserole with the other veggies so it will be more like a stew, I think. 

    I didn't sit out very long after my swim today as it was just too hot. I have to cut the grass this evening but I will wait until the sun goes down. It will still be a hot, sticky job!

Wednesday 24 July 2024


    I tried to use my credit card this morning while doing my weekly grocery shop and it was declined. This is a card that has never given me problems before but it repeatedly was rejected. Luckily, I had another card so was able to use it. When I got home I checked online and it appeared to be OK so called the company. They were able to confirm that the card was in good standing and couldn't explain why it was rejected. Their only solution was to try using it again to see what happens. Meanwhile I didn't get my PC points or redeem some to reduce the bill. Very frustrating! Has this ever happened to you?

    I have a couple of good books to recommend. The first is "Lessons in Chemistry" by Bonnie Garmus, a light-hearted and satirical look at romance and friendship through the eyes of a chemist. I really enjoyed it. The other was a bit heavier, dealing with death and loss of loved ones, but don't let this put you off as it is well worth the read. It's "Dear Edward" by Ann Napolitano. I plan to propose it for next year's book club.

   Now I have finally run out of my summer collection of good reads so will have to start scouring the library shelves to tide me over until September. Any suggestions will be gladly accepted!

Tuesday 23 July 2024

First Tomato

     I've had a couple of grape tomatoes already but today was the first of the regular ones. The vines are very heavy laden (i had to prop one up that was leaning heavily over) so I am expecting a big crop, unless the varmints get them! I have one, still green, that is the size of both my hands!

   It was extremely hot today so much so I couldn't sit outside even in a wet swimsuit. We played tennis early which wasn't too bad and I had a swim when I got home. My tomato and cheese sandwich for lunch was yummy and I will put the rest in a salad to have with dinner. Probably every meal will contain some ideation of tomato for the next month or two.

   I haven't had to use the A/C much this summer but it came on this afternoon so I stayed in my cool office and took care of some paperwork and phone calls that have been pending for a few days. All but one sorted (cancelling the tech support for my new computer, son-in-law declared it an unnecessary expense) but I will try them again later. 


Sunday 21 July 2024

Sunday in the 'burbs

    I made the Mango and Rhubarb chutney this afternoon and I am happy with how it turned out. It's a really easy recipe, just boil everything together until you get the right consistency. There's still some rhubarb left so maybe another rhubarb cake is in the offing!

   We played tennis for an hour early this morning (can't believe we used to play for two hours) then I came home for a late breakfast and the Sunday newspapers. Now I am all caught up on the news. Two dips in the pool today, one after tennis and another after a bit of gardening. And that's my Sunday, done and dusted!

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Some good news and some bad news

    Picked another zucchini today, not sure how it will be prepared but it will keep a few days before I have to use it. Suggestions are welcome!

    I was off early this morning for my grocery shopping, mostly fruit and veg. The mangoes were still on special so I picked up another and may make some rhubarb and mango chutney. Last week's one went into a salad although I had left it just a day too long and some of it was squishy!

   After the deluge yesterday and having to drain off so much rain water, I now am having to refill the pool as it seems to have sprung another leak! It lost a couple of inches overnight but luckily stopped above the bottom of the skimmer so I am able to keep the filter running for the time being. The next day or two should reveal what needs to be done. No doubt it will cost me a pretty bundle whatever the result!

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Weather Complaints

   Torrential rain today for several hours and flooding all over the city. We had only managed one set of tennis before the skies opened and driving home was horrendous. When I got home I had a fairly big puddle in my basement but it is all mopped up now and should dry out pretty quickly. 

   With all the rain the pool almost overflowed but I had called a friend who advised to do a backwash out to the street to lower the level. However, now I see the liner has detached from the cement wall and will have to be pumped out - another big bill, I suppose! Pool-related expenses have been brutal this year. 

   Now the sun is out and it is getting steamy. The grass badly needs cut but I will wait until the sun goes down to give the grass a chance to dry off and it will be cooler by then. That's it for today, folks!

Sunday 14 July 2024

First Produce

    Apart from a few raspberries (a very small crop this year after last year's bumper one), I finally got to pick a zucchini today. It wasn't very big but was enough to make a batch of fritters. It made 6 fritters and I had three with my evening meal and will have the rest tomorrow. It was a very easy recipe from Lidia's cook book, just grated zucchini, an egg and some flour with baking powder and salt mixed in. It probably took me 20 minutes to make and cook. I think the secret is to squeeze the grated zucchini in a kitchen towel to remove as much moisture as possible, then they fry up nice and crisp.

    We had quite heavy rain this afternoon so, since I was house bound I made a loaf in my bread machine. It will be cool enough to slice soon so that's my last chore for today.

Friday 12 July 2024

Strawberry Social

    It was all white on the courts today as we celebrated Wimbledon with a strawberry social. It was hot again and, after a couple of sets of tennis,  we were happy to adjourn to the clubhouse for a special treat provided by some of our members.

   First we got a plate of strawberries and cream on scones or shortcake and were able to add other treats - watermelon slices (so refreshing), chocolate eclairs and ice cream cones. This has become a regular event and is very popular, as you can imagine. Who doesn't like the summer freshness of strawberries and cream? 

   The Mens semi-finals at Wimbledon were on the TV but not too many were interested, preferring to socialize with new and old friends. After all, isn't this what retirement is all about?

Friday 5 July 2024

The End of the Strawberries

   Hot and humid again. I went to tennis early (as did many others) but by 10:15 I was done. A few managed to hang on until noon but I spent the rest of the morning in the clubhouse watching Wimbledon or chatting to other dropouts!

   It was a two swim day, first when I got home from the tennis courts and again after doing some gardening. By then it had clouded over enough to be able to stay outside but it was still pretty humid so I was quite sweaty. The rhyme says that "Horses sweat, men perspire and women gently glow" but I was definitely sweating!

   I used up the last of the strawberries in a crumble with more rhubarb and will have that for dessert over the next couple of days. It's really too hot to have the oven on but needs must!

Thursday 4 July 2024

Strawberry Fields For Ever

    Hot and humid today. I was out early on a hunt for strawberries but I had missed the "pick-your-own" season by a couple of weeks. Don't know where my head was!

   I found a farmer's market that had flats of 6 punnets, local berries but much more than I would have paid to pick them myself. I figure I paid $14 for the luxury of not having to bend over the plants and grovel for berries. Also, quite a few were spoiled whereas when you pick yourself you make sure you only take the perfect berries!

   I made two batches of jam and have quite a few berries left for eating. The second batch was half rhubarb which I have an abundance of at the moment. Adding in the sugar I used, I figure each jar cost about $2.50, a bit less than buying at the store. I had a few left from last year so will have more than enough to use myself and give away as hostess gifts. My friends really like my homemade jam! 

Monday 1 July 2024

Canada Day

   There was lots of red and white on the tennis courts this morning for our Canada Day social (free if you wore red and white, the colours of our flag; actually the socials are free for all adult members anyway but everyone got in the swim of things by dressing the part!). The weather cooperated, being sunny but not too hot and I was able to play three short sets before lunch.  

   Lunch was BBQ chicken skewers with a couple of salads, the easy option when you are feeding around 50 or 60 people. It was a great turnout, with a lucky draw after lunch so everyone went home happy. There was a massive chocolate cake with the flag featuring prominently and we all sang the national anthem with gusto before returning to the courts.  However, I called it a day at that point, having socialized enough and headed home for a nap (this is getting to be my reality these days). A bit of gardening this afternoon and a couple of swims then a light dinner and that's my Canada Day! 

Saturday 29 June 2024


  Dinner out with the family yesterday to celebrate the two graduates. I had Fish and Chips with a (very small) helping of coleslaw. But the fish was tender with a delicious beer batter.

 Oldest grandson is off to Quebec on Monday for a month of intense French instruction. He got a bursary to attend a college there so hope he can cope with not speaking English for a month! Although he won't be fluent, it's always something useful to have on his resume.

  It rained heavily all morning but stopped around noon so I got my walk in. The garden was grateful for a good soaking and I only had to water the plants on the porch. After lunch I slept for what seemed like ages (all that fresh air) so may have trouble sleeping tonight. A light dinner tonight, a shrimp and avocado salad, then some TV. Looking forward to Wimbledon starting next week, some Canadians have made it into the main draw.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Grand River Cruise

    The Grand River flows 500 kms. through Southern Ontario before emptying into Lake Erie near Port Dover. Today a busload of retirees arrived in Brant County, Ontario to embark on a cruise of a 20 km. section of the river and enjoy lunch aboard the boat.

   Our first stop after leaving the city was Caledonia where the boats are based. After a snack of coffee and pastries we were entertained by a fabulous musical show by the Blazing Fiddles, and they did not disappoint. High energy and dynamic, they soon had us cheering, clapping along to the music and joining in singing old time favourites. The group got a standing ovation at the end of the show and it was definitely well deserved. 

   Right on time we boarded the boat and were soon tucking into lunch, green salad, roast beef and strawberry shortcake. While we were eating the captain regaled us with a commentary of the passing sites. We sailed upriver as far as Brantford before turning around to head back to base. All in all, the cruise lasted 2 1/2 hours and, although it wasn't very sunny, it was mild and pleasant to sit and watch the activity on the banks on either side. Back on land we had time to browse in the gift shop and check out the Blazing Fiddles CD's. 

   Soon it was time to head back to the city and that's when the heavens opened so it was a relief to stay dry and have the bus driver navigate the highway in pouring rain. I have to admit to dozing off on the drive home, probably the result of the glass (or two) of Pinot Grigio I had with lunch. Back home I only needed a small snack for dinner and I think it will be an early night! Sorry, no photos, as I am still without a camera but I am hopeful my finances will allow me to purchase one for my next excursion.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Changed Days

 The extreme heat has passed but today we have had very powerful winds - I was too nervous to open the awning over the back walkout in case it got blown away! I did manage to cut the grass and do a bit of weeding so not an entirely wasted day.

    Last Wednesday the seniors at the community centre were treated to a BBQ lunch and very nice it was too. I decided to try a veggie burger which was "OK" (but I don't think I will order it again) and there was potato salad, coleslaw and an ice cream bar, all for $5. Unsurprisingly, the tickets sold out pretty fast but my three Bridge friends (and one husband) all managed to score tickets so it was a lively lunch. Lots of my Fitness class friends were there too.

   That same evening I went up to Markham to attend youngest grandson's Grade 8 graduation. Nice to see the 13-and 14-year olds dressed in their  finery, the guys in suits and the girls in party frocks. For me it was a "blast from the past" as this was the first graduation I had attended since participating in them as a teacher. Both my other grandkids were only able to have virtual ceremonies as they graduated during lockdown. I had to miss my own kids ceremonies as they both conflicted with my other duties. Of course I was able to see them receive their University degrees but there's something extra special about moving on from elementary to secondary school.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Heat Dome

    That's what the meterologists are calling our current extreme weather. It has seemingly settled over most of the continent and is set to stay for quite some time. Today was 31C (Humidex 41C) so I reluctantly turned on the A/C this afternoon. Ironically, at Bridge in the community centre we were all complaining of the cold draughts and wearing sweaters. Go figure!

   It was our end-of-season pot luck before we played today and lots of delicious stuff to try. I brought enough home for tonight's dinner so that's sorted. We play one more week and then are off for the summer as the centre is used for day camps and other kid activities for July and August.

   The pool guys were in to fix my leak last week but I missed seeing them in their diving gear as I had other plans that morning. It was the main drain that was leaking so now it is permanently sealed off. I have been complaining about the leak for years as it gradually got worse but finally someone was smart enough to figure out the problem. At least I hope that's the case, we shall see!

Thursday 13 June 2024

I Passed!

   On Monday morning I had to attend a group driver's test at a nearby community centre. This happens every two years for people over 80 who want to keep their driver's license. This is my second test as I am nearing 82 and I certainly want to keep using my car!

   We were a group of about a dozen seniors and I think some may have taken the test several times. It's a very basic test and I think it is just designed to weed out people whose faculties are deteriorating. First there are individual eye exams (or you can get your optometrist to submit the results of your last checkup), then there was a written component. The task was to draw a clock face showing the time 11:10. The whole thing took about 40 minutes and at the end the examiner announced that we had all passed. Phew! Now I can go and get my license renewed. 


Thursday 6 June 2024

Another Busy and Interesting Day

 An early RTO Executive meeting - only 9 showed up and only three "regrets" so where were the others? I don't think we even had a quorum but we passed all the votes regardless and were done by 10:30. I doubt anyone will complain about that!

   For those who did attend there were lots of snacks and coffee, most left over from the Health seminar on Tuesday. These also, plus muffins, went on to the Book Club meeting in the afternoon with even more treats added! But most of that disappeared as it was a special, end of year, meeting with double the attendance.

    We have three book club groups as they are immensely popular, and two meet in the same location on different Thursdays. Today was the final meeting for both groups and we met to discuss "The Kitchen" by John Ota. And, best of all, the author was there! He gave a wonderful talk, with a slide show and video clips, describing how he researched and wrote the book and had us fascinated from start to finish. Lots of questions and comments after and he sold several copies of his book which probably made him happy. 

    The book is a study of the configuration (John is an architect) of North American kitchens through the ages from Pilgrims to modern day, and included Thomas Jefferson's , Frank Lloyd Wright's, Louis Armstrong's, Julia Child's and Elvis Presley's. He also included recipes that he prepared in each of the kitchens and I brought one I had made using his recipe (Scottish Shortbread ) to let people sample. It was a very fun afternoon! We won't meet again until September but the books for next year's meetings have been selected so we can get started on reading them right away.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Some Health Tips

   27C today (humidex 34C) so two swims, one after tennis (doubles only) and one after watering the garden. I have worked up to 8 laps of my admittedly small pool but this is already an improvement over the first couple of days. Since then I have stayed in the shady and slightly cooler house. I haven't had to switch on the A/C so far and it is forecast to go down to 14C overnight so that should cool things off a bit.

    I attended a Health Seminar this afternoon hosted by the Retired Teachers organization. It was aimed at seniors, especially those who have multiple health concerns (such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol) and dealt with over prescribing of medications, side effects, drug interactions and other adverse effects. Seemingly, as we age, our body becomes less efficient at processing medications. All very interesting. The main message was to consult your doctor or pharmacist to see if you are being over medicated and to explore other ways of treating conditions. The speaker, a pharmacist, was very knowledgeable and dealt with many questions afterwards. The seminar was well attended and there were tasty nibbles to send us happily on our way! An afternoon well spent. 


Sunday 2 June 2024

A Damp Sunday

    Tennis was planned for this morning (just Kathy and me - our numbers are falling) and we just squeaked it in before the rain arrived. It kept spitting the whole hour we were playing but not enough to stop us. We can only book one hour for singles but, truthfully, that's all I can manage. I felt quite sick and wobbly by the time we stopped. Mind you, I hadn't eaten breakfast as we started at 8:00 a.m. so that may have contributed to my weak state. But I did manage to walk home!

   I had a substantial breakfast when I got home, then lay down for a nap. The rest of the morning was spent with the Sunday newspapers and then I had another nap after lunch. So the rest of the day has been quite slow and peaceful. The rain was pretty heavy for a while so no need to water the new plants, but it is dry now.

Friday 31 May 2024

Last Day of the Month.

    Well, I did get in the pool in May (just!) and had a brief swim. By late afternoon the water temperature had reached 70F which is my base line for being bearable. I had been working in the garden and was quite sweaty so it was very refreshing.

   After tennis this morning i stopped by the local garden centre (a pop-up in the grocery store parking lot). They have really nice stuff and the owner was very helpful, not like the big centres where it's hard to find anything or get anyone to help. I will definitely go back there.

   I got four different tomato plants (hedging my bets!) some kale and zucchini plants, and annuals for the hanging baskets. Everything is now in the ground and well watered, just need to add some vegetable fertilizer in a day or two. I feel like I really accomplished lots today. Yesterday I dotted some nasturtium seeds in empty spots and finally got the lawns fed so now I can relax for the rest of the weekend!

Thursday 30 May 2024

A Bit of This and That

     After a week of summer we are back to more Spring like weather, warm and sunny during the day and cooling off at night. In fact, today we had quite a cold northerly wind, nice for walking but not warm enough to sit outside. I haven't managed a swim yet as the water is still a bit chilly but I am determined to get in the pool tomorrow so I can say I used the pool in May!

   I had postponed my usual Wednesday shop until today and that was a big mistake. Despite being at the store shortly after it opened at 8:00 a.m. it was hoaching with people (lots of specials start on Thursdays) so I will definitely go back to shopping on Wednesdays. I went to get my hair cut this afternoon only to find my usual hairdresser had an emergency and was in hospital. Luckily one of the other ladies fitted me in so my walk up to the mall wasn't wasted. I also went to the bank and picked up a few more groceries which were on special at the other store.

   Enjoying the French Open tennis on TV even though most of the big names in the Men's Draw are absent. A Canadian beat an American today which had us all cheering! Seemingly the French crowds have been very rude which doesn't bode well for the Olympics this summer.


Wednesday 22 May 2024

A Short Spring!

    We have had temperatures in the high 20's this week but today the car registered 31C  in the middle of the afternoon! Already we are into Summer without much of a chance to adjust to the change from winter weather. The pool is open and filling up as we speak but the water is still a bit chilly. I am hoping to get in sometime over the weekend if the pool guys come back to get the pump started. They can't run it until the water level is above the skimmer. Unfortunately there appears to be a leak, hopefully small, as the water level was really low when they took the cover off. 

   It's been too hot to do any gardening until the sun has gone down and even then it is pretty steamy. I am managing to keep up with the new growth but haven't made much progress on the vegetable plots. The Lilac and Lily-of-the-Valley are pouring out gorgeous perfumes which makes it a pleasure to be out there. I'm sure everything will get done in good time.

Monday 20 May 2024

Victoria Day

    How time flies! It seems like Easter just happened and here we are at another long weekend.

  It was gloriously warm today, in fact a bit too hot to be out on the tennis courts or golf course, or, indeed for doing any gardening. I am trying to get the vegetable beds dug up and composted ahead of doing some planting, but I will wait until the sun goes down before attempting any outdoor work.

    Having said that, I did attend the social and round robin at the tennis club - played a bit early while it was still cool, had coffee break, chatted with old and new friends then stayed for a light lunch. There will likely be fireworks tonight but all that fresh air today will mean I won't have any trouble getting off to sleep despite the cacophony!

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Keeping My Chin Up

    Still trying to sort out details relating to the break-in, mostly computer related. Trying to get a police report and contact another credit bureau, but so far my identity seems to be intact. Other than that, I found out yesterday a suspect has been arrested but no chance of me getting any of the stolen stuff back. Heigh ho! 

    I had a bit of luck yesterday at Bridge, I was the fifth highest scorer so got back my entrance fee and a bit more! Since then I have been working in the garden (very therapeutic) preparing beds for planting some vegetables. The rhubarb is doing well and I should be able to pick some soon. 

   Last Sunday was Mother's day here and I received some lovely flowers from my son and had a great meal at my daughter's house so felt very spoiled. No matter the problems we incur, life goes on and we must make the best of it!

Monday 13 May 2024

It Shouldn't Happen to Anyone

    I've been in a bit of a funk for the last few weeks - hence my absence from blog land. I had a break-in overnight and lost several items that made life difficult. I am gradually getting all the important items restored but it has left me feeling vulnerable and shaken. Not a nice feeling!

   The rear walkout was jimmied (I think that's the expression) and my computer, cell phone and camera, along with some important paperwork were taken from my office. Then they had the audacity to sneak into my bedroom while I was sleeping and pinch my wallet and jewelry boxes. Talk about feeling violated! I am still in the process of replacing credit, debit and other cards and, most worryingly, my social insurance card. I just pray my identity isn't compromised as there are so many ways that can happen. So far my credit score has remained intact and I have fraud alerts on all my personal stuff. The local police have been incredibly helpful  as has my bank so I have come out of it relatively unscathed (imagine if I had woken up when they were in my bedroom!) but will be adding extra security all over the place! Hope this never happens to any of you as it is a thoroughly traumatic experience.

Thursday 18 April 2024

Lunch and a Fashion Show

    Yes, eating out again! Just a light lunch (salad and a frittata) with the retired teachers but the highlight was the after meal entertainment. 

   Lady Sophisticate brought in the fashions and some of our company were the models. Some beautiful pieces but nothing caught my fancy so I went home with my wallet intact. There were also accessories, jewellery, purses, hats, but, there again, I managed to restrain myself. I can always visit the store if I change my mind!

   Some colourful outfits and plenty of Spring fashions!

Monday 15 April 2024

Tackling Some Garden Chores

   Early appointment at the Dentist - just a cleaning  so I was home by mid-morning in time for my second breakfast of toast and coffee. My first was just a banana and some yoghurt. Then I had a long walk around the neighbourhood.

   Before I had lunch I got a loaf started in the bread machine and did some tidying in the garden. It`s still too early to plant anything but there are lots of daffodils open and the rhubarb has just started to sprout.

   When I was in the Niagara region last week all the Forsythia was like this and now mine has caught up. So a two hour drive south equates into a week earlier!

   After lunch and a nap I got a pot of soup started and then was back into the garden for another couple of hours as it was so sunny and pleasant. I will have to give the lawn its first cut of the year soon but I am still pulling weeds. Today it was early sprouting mint which was already starting to take over the vegetable plot!   

Saturday 13 April 2024

RODEO...and some new library books

 The RODEO ladies (Retired Old Dames Eating Out), part of my Probus club, were out for our monthly meeting this week. We continue to eat around the world and for "F" we naturally tried a French restaurant. It was called "Terre Rouge" and it's in Markham, ON if you want to Google it. I and several others had a Duck Confit salad with beets and fennel and it was excellent. Others (there were nine of us) had Coq au Vin, a pasta dish or a Bistro burger. They all looked yummy.

   I had missed the March outing to the Irish pub (E for Eire) as it was on a Wednesday which is when I volunteer at the Seniors' Centre and I will miss May's for the same reason. It is to be at a Greek place that I haven't visited before so I am sorry to miss it.

   I have finally been getting reserved books from the library so here's what I'm reading at the moment:

   I just finished the Ann Patchett book and have suggested it for next year's book club list. I see someone else has recommended the Lisa Jewell book, too.

   This is next month's book which I have just started and can't wait to see what the discussion questions will be as I have lots of questions of my own about it. Its focus is on genealogy and DNA testing which I am very interested in. I have a genealogy site (Tribal Pages) with over 2000 family connections so this book is right up my alley!

    It has just occurred to me to wonder why so many of my posts are about food!

Thursday 11 April 2024

A Day at Niagara Falls

   The skies were cloudy here during the eclipse on Monday but I did catch a glimpse through the clouds as the moon crept across the sun. It was eerily dark though, for a few minutes.

   I had an early start on Wednesday, joining a group for a day trip to the Niagara region. The bus left at 8:15 and we arrived at our first stop by 10:30. It was the Reif Winery, one of several in the region, where we had a tour of the winery followed by a tasting experience. Their star was an ice wine that we all enjoyed (even managed an extra taste) before hitting the store to pick up some bottles.

The tasting room. We tried a reisling and a red wine, followed by the sweet ice wine. It's made from grapes that are left on the vine through the first frost which concentrates the flavour.

  Our next stop was at the restaurant where we were to eat lunch. It's right by the Falls so we had a few minutes to take in the view with quite a crowd of other tourists still here after arriving on Monday to view the eclipse. We also had front row seats while we ate lunch! The meal was very tasty, a delicious sunchoke soup followed by a fish course and apple crumble and coffee for dessert. The sunchoke soup was a new experience for most of us, seemingly made from Jerusalem artichokes which are an unusual vegetable here. 

 Very impressive, standing right at the lip of the Falls - and very loud!

The interior of the restaurant with windows overlooking the Falls.

There was quite a bit of spray today but these hardy souls were pretty close to the base of the falls and needed slickers to stay dry.

    After lunch, our next stop was a Butterfly Conservatory where I enjoyed not only the exotic butterflies but also the gorgeous tropical plants. The feeding stations were the best place to take photos.


The Lollipop Plant

       Back on the bus and our last stop was another winery where we had 4 tastings and time to shop again.  Then we headed home.

    I have to admit to snoozing most of the way home but, all in all, it was quite the outing. However, it took its toll and I was early to bed and slept like a log!

Friday 5 April 2024

Weather Woes

    The storm has passed although it's still pretty windy. We've had some snow in the last couple of days but nothing compared to Quebec and further west. This is not uncommon here at this time of year but is unwelcome so I'm glad we missed it.

    I had a busy morning - fitness class at 10:30 then a quick trip to the supermarket for their special on compost and top soil. A very kind young man helped me load it all in my car but I still had to unload it when I got home! Lastly, a stop at the Post Office in the drugstore to check the P.O. box for last minute cheques for this month's lunch. We are at over 80 so far but a few more may dribble in next week as this is our most popular lunch as it includes a fashion show. Some of our members are the models which is always fun to see!

   The nets are up at the tennis courts but it's still a bit chilly to be playing. Maybe next week as it is forecast to be much milder. Fingers crossed!

Tuesday 2 April 2024


    Big win at Bridge today! I was the second highest scorer and got the grand sum of $8. This was more than usual as we had two extra tables, which meant 40 people attended. We each pay $1 for the privilege  of being a participant so I came away $7 to the good.  Not too shabby for an afternoon's entertainment! 

   Not a very nice day, weatherwise. Heavy rain is forecast but hasn't arrived yet. It's been very windy but that seems to have died down now. I will hunker down until the storm has passed and gloat over my winnings!

Monday 1 April 2024


    There wasn't much food left over from yesterday's Easter meal, but we barely made a dent in the wine!

   Daughter and SIL came in separate cars so both needed to be fairly abstemious. However, I wasn't driving anywhere so I was able to have a glass (or two) of my favourite Portuguese red, Toro Bravo. Oldest grandson is now old enough to imbibe but hasn't acquired a taste for wine yet, so abstained. Actually, he probably drove one of the cars home. So, for the next few days I will be forced to work my way through these two bottles. What a chore!

    Also on the table, for adding to our coffees, was a bottle of Bailey's Salted Caramel, my favourite liqueur. That will last me several weeks!

Sunday 31 March 2024

Family Time

 Happy Easter, one and all! I had the family over for lunch, just the usual crew, and we started the meal with Butternut Squash soup followed by a a roast leg of lamb, roast potatoes and asparagus, all of which were delicious. The six of us finished the whole leg as two of the teenagers are big meat eaters. 

    I didn't take any photos as things got a bit hectic just before I served the meal - trying to co-ordinate things so everything would be ready and hot at the same time. Not my best talent. And then a friend dropped by just as I was making the gravy. However, everything got on the table and  consumed in record time.

   Judy brought a strawberry cheesecake for dessert and at least there was a slice of that left which I will have anon!

   Now it is all cleared away (thank goodness for the dish washer) and I can relax for the rest of the evening. I think I will be early to bed as I missed my afternoon nap. Tomorrow is another holiday so nothing in the plans and I will have plenty of time to recover.

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Signs of Life

   These little bloomers caught my eye in a sheltered sunny spot today. I also saw some snowdrops and crocuses in a neighbour's front border while on my morning walk. So, life is gradually returning to this still wintery corner!

This has been a quiet week so far as the Spring programs at the Seniors Centre don't start until next week. I did have my usual Bridge games on Monday and Tuesday but very little in the way of exercise. I'm sure it won't do any harm to have a bit of a rest. I have been sleeping very well recently and put it down to having a cup of this herbal tea before bed. It really does live up to its name!

Saturday 23 March 2024

Winter's Last Blast

    At least I hope it is! We were supposed to get 15cms. but I think it was a bit less. Daughter came over early and shovelled my driveway - I had been planning to let it just melt - but it's nice to be able to get in and out of the garage. She had just dropped younger grandson at his (indoor) baseball practice and had an hour or so to kill so she made quick work of it.

   It was bright and sunny today so I got my walk in before lunch. I couldn't walk by the ravine as the path was not cleared but the sidewalks were fine. Luckily I hadn't put away my winter boots as I definitely needed them for good traction.

   The sun has shone all day and the snow is already melting. Hopefully there is no more in the forecast, I'm ready for Spring!

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Welcome Spring!

     It started snowing around noon and has kept it up all afternoon. Mother Nature sure knows how to keep us on our toes! 

   I don't imagine it will stick around too long although more is forecast for Friday. More on that later.

    Today was the retired teachers' lunch and we had an interesting speaker after the meal. Everything was "tea" related including the silent auction items (I didn't bid high enough so came away empty-handed) and we learned a lot about the origins of tea and more tea-related customs. Did you know how the "milk in the cup first or last" debate came about? Well, according to our speaker it started when cups were made of a very delicate porcelain (this would be in 14th century China) that couldn't take extremely hot liquids and if the tea went in first they were likely to crack. You learn something new every day. Best part of the (rather uninspiring pasta) meal was the chocolate brownie dessert which was luscious and to die for! The Caesar salad before the pasta was good too.

    Now I will just have a bowl of soup and a BLT for dinner. Hope there's something worth watching on TV tonight!

Saturday 9 March 2024

Another Birthday

     Oldest grandson and this time there was cake. He is now legal drinking age but hasn't tried it yet. I hope he carries on this way for a bit longer. 

    He and the rest of the family went for lunch to what he described as a "Nerd" restaurant. The food sounded lovely but I passed on it. They did come back to my place for cake and coffee after, so I was part of the celebration and was able to give him his gift.  

    He is off to university in September so who knows if we will all be able to celebrate his birthday together in the future. 

Thursday 7 March 2024

Breaking the (Weather) Record

     Since my last post when we had our only snow fall in February, it has been decidedly un-wintery here. Yesterday was the warmest March 6 on record, one of many records broken this winter. Today is still wonderfully mild and sunny but not quite as warm. Still had on my light jacket though!

    This morning I was off to Yoga bright and early so got my stretches in and home by 10:30. After some chores I spent an hour in the garden doing the first clean up of the borders. Things are beginning to sprout but it will be some time until we actually see any Spring flowers. No buds on the trees yet either.

   After lunch it was book club and what a lively discussion we had! The book under discussion was "Spare" by Prince Harry. We had to keep reminding each other it was just his side of things but it certainly isn't very complimentary towards the Royals. And then the press, my goodness what a bunch of ne'er-do-wells!! While the majority of the group had some sympathy for Harry and Meghan, the consensus was that baring all was not the smartest thing to do. I'd be interested to hear some views from his homeland. 

Thursday 22 February 2024

It Was Inevitable

    We finally got a significant amount of snow - didn`t seem likely that we could go the whole winter without it. But the temperatures have remained higher than normal so most of it is now gone. That doesn`t mean we are done with it for this year. It`s not uncommon to get a big dump in March!


    Today was the RODEO lunch as we continue Eating Around the World. Nothing on my plate started with the letter `D` but next month for È` we are going to an Irish (or Eire) pub so that should be fun.

That`s my meal in the front right corner, chicken fingers with plum sauce and salad. It was a rather large plate of food but I did manage to finish it! Just soup and a sandwich (actually only a half sandwich) for dinner tonight.

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Shrove Tuesday

     Another nice treat from the Executive at the Seniors' Centre today. A complete breakfast of pancakes, sausages, bacon, orange juice and coffee for just $5!

    It was a busy morning for me as it started with Chair Yoga, then a quick trip home (I live fairly close to the Centre) to change, then back for the tasty breakfast with lots of the other seniors. By the time eating and socializing was over, it was time for me to head to Bridge club. I didn't have a very good afternoon, cards-wise, but there was more coffee and cookies on tap so no complaints from me!

   I needed a nap by the time I finally got home and a light dinner of avocado salad and broiled shrimp. So tasty!

Friday 9 February 2024


    With the tennis courts locked until Spring, I have found a new activity to take the place of my thrice weekly tennis game. Last year I signed up for a ten-week Yoga class and this year I have added Chair Yoga to my weekly fitness schedule. 

   I find the regular (mat) yoga quite challenging, especially the balance moves, although I do feel quite a benefit from challenging myself to at least attempt most of the moves. I even managed a shoulder stand this year!

    Chair Yoga isn't only a sedentary class although we do start sitting. After upper body work we move to behind our chair to work on the lower body. The chair provides support if needed and everyone works at their own level. The benefit I get from the exercises are feeling every part of my body stretched and toned and my inner calmness. It's an opportunity to rid myself of worries and stress.

    Both classes are held at the Seniors centre and after today's class we were treated to an early St. Valentines treat - a surprise cake and coffee courtesy of the Executive. Much appreciated by all in attendance!

Sunday 28 January 2024

Continuing To Eat Around the World

    The past week was not particularly busy but I did finally get to the Chair Yoga class last Tuesday. I was happy to find we didn't spend the whole hour sitting in a chair but used it for balance on several of the movements. This is good as the balance moves are the ones I have the most difficulty with in the regular Yoga class on Thursdays.

    The RODEO ladies met for lunch on Friday at Prague Restaurant as we have got to the letter "C" for Czeck. I really wanted to go for Chinese but I was outvoted. There were many schnitzels and goulashes on the menu but I settled for a Caesar Salad as I was craving something green. It was excellent. Next month for "D" we are going to a steakhouse since there are no Danish restaurants around here and no one could think of another country starting with "D". 

   I finally finished the puzzle which was my Christmas present from oldest grandson. He did warn me it was tricky so I am happy to have it completed. The hardest part was that the picture was wrong!

Saturday 20 January 2024

A Special Day

 It was a big birthday for the youngest grandson yesterday and it was celebrated in style with a steak BBQ despite the frigid temperatures. No birthday cake but (his request) creme brulee for afters. It was delicious!

Can't believe he is 14! And I don't think he has stopped growing.

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Waiting To Be Read

      Books have been piling up on my bedside table and I got two more at the RWTO lunch today - just 50 cents each, can't beat that! It's a fundraiser for the women's shelter we support. I didn't donate any books today but probably will have some next month so I don't mind paying for them.

    I'm reading the Camilla Lackberg book at the moment but can't wait to get stuck into the others! Since our library system has been sabotaged (a cyber attack several months ago) and I can't get my holds, I have been scrambling to find stuff I like. One is historical fiction and the other new one is by a favourite author, Elizabeth George, so I'm sure I will like it.

   The lunch out today was a little underwhelming as it was cottage pie (well, I can make that myself!) but with a tasty salad and rhubarb pie with ice cream for dessert, it was enjoyable enough. Plus, the friendly company made for a pleasant outing.  The weather was very disagreeable, slippery roads, falling snow and icy underfoot, not to mention minus 10C, but almost everyone showed up. I think most people just want to get out and see some familiar faces!

Thursday 11 January 2024

Spoke Too Soon!

    Well, the boots have certainly had a workout this week as we have had a couple of days of wet, slushy snow. It has stayed mild (for Ontario) but is set to be frigid next week, so everything will freeze solid. I cleared the driveway just in case although it was mostly melting.

   This is how I spent this morning - staring at a screen. It was the bi-monthly (hope that means every other month) meeting of the RTO District Executive and I'm glad it was decided to hold it over Zoom. I wouldn't have wanted to be driving today.

It was rather a tedious meeting (2 1/2 hours) and, despite being asked to be brief with reports, certain members proceeded to go into too much detail. The reports are circulated prior to the meeting and we have all supposedly read them. Then there were the inevitable questions! 

   I needed some fresh air after the meeting so walked down to the plaza to check the mailbox. And that's about it for today!