

Sunday 2 June 2024

A Damp Sunday

    Tennis was planned for this morning (just Kathy and me - our numbers are falling) and we just squeaked it in before the rain arrived. It kept spitting the whole hour we were playing but not enough to stop us. We can only book one hour for singles but, truthfully, that's all I can manage. I felt quite sick and wobbly by the time we stopped. Mind you, I hadn't eaten breakfast as we started at 8:00 a.m. so that may have contributed to my weak state. But I did manage to walk home!

   I had a substantial breakfast when I got home, then lay down for a nap. The rest of the morning was spent with the Sunday newspapers and then I had another nap after lunch. So the rest of the day has been quite slow and peaceful. The rain was pretty heavy for a while so no need to water the new plants, but it is dry now.


  1. Consider yourself told off for not heating something before tennis.
    Seriously, do think about having a little something, even if you don't feel hungry.

    It sounds like a pleasant day and not having to water the plants was a bonus. xx

  2. Sounds like a perfect Sunday in many ways. I do agree with Joy's advice about eating before playing a round of tennis. Naps on rainy Sunday afternoons are some of the best. Yeah to you for getting one swim in for May :)

  3. I agree with both comments regarding eating something before tennis. Glad you recovered after some nourishment and a nap.
    It rained hard here most of the day, a good watering for the plants and a wash for everything else.

  4. It sounds like a lovely day after the tennis. I think when you do that type of heavy exercise, eating something light would be a good idea before.

    God bless.

  5. Thank you all for your concern. I still feel a bit fragile so won't be expending myself so much again. No more singles!

  6. I hope you're feeling better now, Chris. Xx
