

Sunday 22 February 2015

A White Covering

   It hasn't been so cold the last couple of days but we have had snow - and lots of it! I have finally got the driveway cleared - my snowblower was only going in fits and starts, I think I didn't have the battery charged enough. I have left it charging overnight and will give it a go in the morning to see if that's the problem.

   I have started collecting all the paraphernalia I will need for my trip and will start packing tomorrow. The temperature in Portugal is mid-teens so a lot warmer than here. By the time I come home at the end of March it should be positively balmy!

   My fish pie yesterday was yummy and, as predicted, lots of leftovers, so no need to cook tonight.  I managed to squeeze in lots of vegetables and the cheesy (and garlicy) potato topping was delicious! I love one-dish meals, so easy to prepare and clean up. I still have some yogurt to eat up so that will be dessert along with some fruit. All the rest of the perishables will go with Judy on Tuesday when she comes to take me to the airport. I am getting quite excited!

Saturday 21 February 2015

Playing Bridge

   I have been very remiss in writing my daily blog but have been caught up in an online bridge game. I do much better there than in real life games so it is quite a boost for my confidence. I will take my cards with me next week and, hopefully, meet up with some other bridge players on my trip.

   Out to Judy's today to say goodbye to the grandkids. I don't think it's a big deal to them that I will be away for a month but I will miss Elliot's birthday. I took over his gift and a card. so he will know I was thinking of him. Judy gave us a nice brunch but I didn't stay long as it was snowing and the driving was quite tricky.

   I have made a fish pie tonight which should last me until I leave on Tuesday. It has lots of vegetables in it (all the ones that won't survive a month in the fridge) and has a cheesy potato crust - looks very appetizing! I will have it with some pickled beetroot.

Saturday 14 February 2015

Milder and Sunny

   Not as cold today but the frigid temperatures are only in temporary abeyance. It has been an indoor day for me except for half-an-hour shovelling the snow off the driveway. It was quite a light accumulation so didn't take long to clear - no need for the snowblower! The cats leave tomorrow so I had to make sure Steve and Alison could get to their car in the garage.

Cabbage and lamb dumplings in honour of Chinese New Year.
   I made some Chinese dumplings today with some ground lamb that was lingering in the freezer. They were quite tasty but needed a better ratio of vegetables to meat. I will know better next time.

   The cats continue to amuse. Duffy really likes high places.

Duffy on top of the refrigerator.

Friday 13 February 2015

Record Breaking Temperatures

    This was the sight that greeted me when I opened the blinds this morning - a record low temperature! It did get up to -10C by the afternoon but still very chilly. More snow is forecast for tonight but not a great amount. The last snowfall of Wednesday still needed some clearing so I worked on it until I got too cold.

    After Fitness class this morning (and a chin-wag over coffee after) I picked up some groceries in case I am snowed in tomorrow. Later I made a mushroom and egg tart I found in my current favourite cookbook, "My Paris Kitchen" by David Lebovitz. I got it from the library and have tried a couple of recipes already. Yesterday it was Baba Ganoush - an eggplant dip which turned out quite well. Today's tart had an unusual crust made with just flour, cornmeal, salt and an egg - no water and it came together and rolled out well.

     The cats got into some mischief today - I have had to hide the bags of food in another spot as one (or both) of them chewed holes in the bags. There were food pellets all over the place and I have no idea how much they ate before I noticed. I don't think it was much as they were still hungry at lunch time. Seemingly Blaze can open the hall closet with his nose!
Hey guys! At least wait 'til the bowls are on the floor!!
Checking out the birds at the feeders.


Wednesday 4 February 2015

Feeling Guilty

   Nearly two weeks since my last entry but I have excuses! First, my computer was refusing to log on to the internet unless plugged directly into the box. So, no typing in front of the fire with the TV on! Then there were a few days when things were rather hectic. However, since last weekend I have no excuse except a bad case of laziness.

    We have been having more seasonable weather recently which has included a big dump of snow which necessitated the use of my snowblower. it worked well but I have found it has a nasty habit of losing power because the battery has come loose from its casing. It took me a while to work this out but now I know just to open the cover and push it back down. Problem solved.

   The last of the Robbie Burns demos was today, just as I am finally perfecting the dances. I hope we use the same ones next year. We have a demo practice on Sunday then it will be time for me to pack away my dancing shoes until after my vacation. I will be glad of the break!

   I played tennis on Tuesday, also probably the last time until April by which time we may be playing outside. I did 20 laps of the pool last Thursday and it seems to be getting easier. Today I did a stint behind the counter of the coffee bar at the Senior's Centre. It was a good way to get to know some of the regulars as they all like to have a chat as they are purchasing their tea or coffee. Tomorrow I will be back to play Bridge and again on Friday for Fitness class.
   Cabbage rolls and roasted potato casserole for dinner tonight - a repeat of yesterday's meal but it was so good I am really looking forward to it. I made the cabbage rolls with ground lamb and they were very tasty and juicy. I can tell the food is ready so time to open a bottle of the red!