

Thursday 27 October 2022

Thirteen Thousand Steps!

    We were locked out at tennis today - damaged padlock replaced overnight but we didn't get the notification in time and didn't know who to contact so we walked instead. Later (after coffee and a snack) I had another long walk and have kept the step counter in my pocket ever since. I was quite surprised and pleased by the total. My daily average is around 4,500 so that is a big jump! Seemingly 13,182 steps translates into 6.8 kms. I was sore by the time I got home and needed a nap after lunch.

   I was invited for a meal at a Chef's house last weekend. The meal was fabulous, several small plates - just wish I had taken photos as each one looked so inviting. He used to own a restaurant but now just cooks for small groups in his home in a very professional looking kitchen.    

    The meal started with potato and coconut milk soup. Next came a seafood sampler featuring scallop, shrimp and calamari, all seriously tasty. Then a spinach, fennel and mandarin salad. Finally, pork belly and greens. Each course was small but full of flavour. There was a caramelized apple in cream on a pastry crust for dessert but by that time I was so stuffed I just nibbled at it. There were lots of special touches such as basil oil and a roasted artichoke slice on the soup. I would highly recommend the whole meal!

   Frost is forecast for tonight so I mulched my tender plants this afternoon and picked the last of the parsley which was very abundant this year. Some of it will be a topping on my fish tonight and I will make pesto with the rest to save in the freezer.  Also brought in my rosemary plant to use over the winter. Time to batten down the hatches!



Wednesday 19 October 2022

Feels Like Winter is Approaching

 So cold - not ready for this wintery weather yet! Tomorrow we had planned to play tennis (won't be long until it is over) but the morning temperature is forecast to be 2C! Stay tuned to see if we make it onto the courts. It should warm up a bit on the weekend so we may get a good game on Sunday.

   Yesterday was busy - I was out early to set up at our first monthly Retired Women Teachers lunch, but I didn't stay as I was also booked for a lunch and Travelogue (Myanmar which was formally Burma) at another location. It was very well done with a beautiful slide show and video presentation following a light lunch.

   Today was a bit quieter - my Fitness class at 10:15 a.m. at the Seniors Centre, then serving coffee and snacks in the kitchen. Luckily I took a book to read as I didn't have many customers. Since lockdown the management have had trouble staffing the kitchen and it's often closed so I think people have got out of the habit of eating there or even staying after class for a coffee and cookie. It's the best deal in town as the coffee and cookie is $1 and a hot pie (with ketchup if you want it) is $1.50! They occasionally have burgers and salad for $5 but I missed the last barbecue. They do treat their Seniors well!

   I had my tennis friends over for brunch last Sunday, counterclockwise from the right, Susan, Kathy, Cathy and Frank (Cathy's husband, AKA Francine when he plays with the ladies). I served way too much food so have been eating leftovers ever since!

Cathy brought the devilled eggs. We also had apple pie with ice cream and coconut tarts from Cathy and Susan for "afters".

Thursday 13 October 2022

Two New Dances

    Just to be clear, these are Scottish Country dances (similar to folk dances), quite different from the highly technical and competitive Scottish Highland dancing. They are danced in three orfour couple sets and, in fact some are quite well known such as Virginia Reel and Strip the Willow. Here are two we learned this week. Enjoy!

Wednesday 12 October 2022


    Better late than never - it was a busy weekend.  I spent Sunday with the family. Judy and Dave cooked the turkey and all the trimmings - they do it in the barbecue and it always comes out tender and juicy. Elliot made a pumpkin pie. The previous week they had attended Markham Fall Fair and all had things entered in various categories. Elliot got 1st place for a photo he submitted, Natalie got 1st for a poster (she said she thought she won because no one else entered) and Judy got several prizes as well as "Best in Show" for her marmalade. I must get her to share her recipe with me!

   Monday, which was the actual holiday, we had a social at the tennis club. It was a bit on the cool side but a few brave souls came out to play. I had on 4 layers but gradually stripped some off as I warmed up. More people turned up for lunch which was "Pot Luck" and reflected our wide variety of heritages. I was very conservative and brought ham sandwiches but there were Chinese dumplings, samosas, spinakopita curry stew and chili as well as salads. I went home stuffed and had to take home some dessert for later! That tennis club is now closed as it switches to a winter club with the courts covered with a "bubble". My other club is still going so, hopefully, there will be a few more nice days.

   This week has been advanced voting for the Municipal Elections. I went to the Senior's Centre even though the classes were cancelled as it is a polling station, but it was quite busy with people coming and going. In fact I probably sold more coffee and pies than usual!

Thursday 6 October 2022

Change of Colour

 The trees have begun to shed their leaves but first are putting on a magnificent display.

Monday 3 October 2022

They had to go.....

 ....the nasturtiums, that is. We had almost frost last night and there's nothing worse than having to dispose of slimy frosted nasturtiums. Tonight's overnight temperature is set to be 3C, so pretty close to freezing.

   So, now they are in the composter. They did really well this year.

   Yesterday some of the family came over with Birthday cake, carrot cake and yummy cream cheese frosting. I still have more in the fridge.

Can't remember what was so funny!

Blowing out the candle. We could only find one!

The rest will go home to the boys who missed the ceremony. I kept a sizeable chunk.