

Sunday 31 March 2024

Family Time

 Happy Easter, one and all! I had the family over for lunch, just the usual crew, and we started the meal with Butternut Squash soup followed by a a roast leg of lamb, roast potatoes and asparagus, all of which were delicious. The six of us finished the whole leg as two of the teenagers are big meat eaters. 

    I didn't take any photos as things got a bit hectic just before I served the meal - trying to co-ordinate things so everything would be ready and hot at the same time. Not my best talent. And then a friend dropped by just as I was making the gravy. However, everything got on the table and  consumed in record time.

   Judy brought a strawberry cheesecake for dessert and at least there was a slice of that left which I will have anon!

   Now it is all cleared away (thank goodness for the dish washer) and I can relax for the rest of the evening. I think I will be early to bed as I missed my afternoon nap. Tomorrow is another holiday so nothing in the plans and I will have plenty of time to recover.

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Signs of Life

   These little bloomers caught my eye in a sheltered sunny spot today. I also saw some snowdrops and crocuses in a neighbour's front border while on my morning walk. So, life is gradually returning to this still wintery corner!

This has been a quiet week so far as the Spring programs at the Seniors Centre don't start until next week. I did have my usual Bridge games on Monday and Tuesday but very little in the way of exercise. I'm sure it won't do any harm to have a bit of a rest. I have been sleeping very well recently and put it down to having a cup of this herbal tea before bed. It really does live up to its name!

Saturday 23 March 2024

Winter's Last Blast

    At least I hope it is! We were supposed to get 15cms. but I think it was a bit less. Daughter came over early and shovelled my driveway - I had been planning to let it just melt - but it's nice to be able to get in and out of the garage. She had just dropped younger grandson at his (indoor) baseball practice and had an hour or so to kill so she made quick work of it.

   It was bright and sunny today so I got my walk in before lunch. I couldn't walk by the ravine as the path was not cleared but the sidewalks were fine. Luckily I hadn't put away my winter boots as I definitely needed them for good traction.

   The sun has shone all day and the snow is already melting. Hopefully there is no more in the forecast, I'm ready for Spring!

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Welcome Spring!

     It started snowing around noon and has kept it up all afternoon. Mother Nature sure knows how to keep us on our toes! 

   I don't imagine it will stick around too long although more is forecast for Friday. More on that later.

    Today was the retired teachers' lunch and we had an interesting speaker after the meal. Everything was "tea" related including the silent auction items (I didn't bid high enough so came away empty-handed) and we learned a lot about the origins of tea and more tea-related customs. Did you know how the "milk in the cup first or last" debate came about? Well, according to our speaker it started when cups were made of a very delicate porcelain (this would be in 14th century China) that couldn't take extremely hot liquids and if the tea went in first they were likely to crack. You learn something new every day. Best part of the (rather uninspiring pasta) meal was the chocolate brownie dessert which was luscious and to die for! The Caesar salad before the pasta was good too.

    Now I will just have a bowl of soup and a BLT for dinner. Hope there's something worth watching on TV tonight!

Saturday 9 March 2024

Another Birthday

     Oldest grandson and this time there was cake. He is now legal drinking age but hasn't tried it yet. I hope he carries on this way for a bit longer. 

    He and the rest of the family went for lunch to what he described as a "Nerd" restaurant. The food sounded lovely but I passed on it. They did come back to my place for cake and coffee after, so I was part of the celebration and was able to give him his gift.  

    He is off to university in September so who knows if we will all be able to celebrate his birthday together in the future. 

Thursday 7 March 2024

Breaking the (Weather) Record

     Since my last post when we had our only snow fall in February, it has been decidedly un-wintery here. Yesterday was the warmest March 6 on record, one of many records broken this winter. Today is still wonderfully mild and sunny but not quite as warm. Still had on my light jacket though!

    This morning I was off to Yoga bright and early so got my stretches in and home by 10:30. After some chores I spent an hour in the garden doing the first clean up of the borders. Things are beginning to sprout but it will be some time until we actually see any Spring flowers. No buds on the trees yet either.

   After lunch it was book club and what a lively discussion we had! The book under discussion was "Spare" by Prince Harry. We had to keep reminding each other it was just his side of things but it certainly isn't very complimentary towards the Royals. And then the press, my goodness what a bunch of ne'er-do-wells!! While the majority of the group had some sympathy for Harry and Meghan, the consensus was that baring all was not the smartest thing to do. I'd be interested to hear some views from his homeland.