

Wednesday 24 July 2024


    I tried to use my credit card this morning while doing my weekly grocery shop and it was declined. This is a card that has never given me problems before but it repeatedly was rejected. Luckily, I had another card so was able to use it. When I got home I checked online and it appeared to be OK so called the company. They were able to confirm that the card was in good standing and couldn't explain why it was rejected. Their only solution was to try using it again to see what happens. Meanwhile I didn't get my PC points or redeem some to reduce the bill. Very frustrating! Has this ever happened to you?

    I have a couple of good books to recommend. The first is "Lessons in Chemistry" by Bonnie Garmus, a light-hearted and satirical look at romance and friendship through the eyes of a chemist. I really enjoyed it. The other was a bit heavier, dealing with death and loss of loved ones, but don't let this put you off as it is well worth the read. It's "Dear Edward" by Ann Napolitano. I plan to propose it for next year's book club.

   Now I have finally run out of my summer collection of good reads so will have to start scouring the library shelves to tide me over until September. Any suggestions will be gladly accepted!

Tuesday 23 July 2024

First Tomato

     I've had a couple of grape tomatoes already but today was the first of the regular ones. The vines are very heavy laden (i had to prop one up that was leaning heavily over) so I am expecting a big crop, unless the varmints get them! I have one, still green, that is the size of both my hands!

   It was extremely hot today so much so I couldn't sit outside even in a wet swimsuit. We played tennis early which wasn't too bad and I had a swim when I got home. My tomato and cheese sandwich for lunch was yummy and I will put the rest in a salad to have with dinner. Probably every meal will contain some ideation of tomato for the next month or two.

   I haven't had to use the A/C much this summer but it came on this afternoon so I stayed in my cool office and took care of some paperwork and phone calls that have been pending for a few days. All but one sorted (cancelling the tech support for my new computer, son-in-law declared it an unnecessary expense) but I will try them again later. 


Sunday 21 July 2024

Sunday in the 'burbs

    I made the Mango and Rhubarb chutney this afternoon and I am happy with how it turned out. It's a really easy recipe, just boil everything together until you get the right consistency. There's still some rhubarb left so maybe another rhubarb cake is in the offing!

   We played tennis for an hour early this morning (can't believe we used to play for two hours) then I came home for a late breakfast and the Sunday newspapers. Now I am all caught up on the news. Two dips in the pool today, one after tennis and another after a bit of gardening. And that's my Sunday, done and dusted!

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Some good news and some bad news

    Picked another zucchini today, not sure how it will be prepared but it will keep a few days before I have to use it. Suggestions are welcome!

    I was off early this morning for my grocery shopping, mostly fruit and veg. The mangoes were still on special so I picked up another and may make some rhubarb and mango chutney. Last week's one went into a salad although I had left it just a day too long and some of it was squishy!

   After the deluge yesterday and having to drain off so much rain water, I now am having to refill the pool as it seems to have sprung another leak! It lost a couple of inches overnight but luckily stopped above the bottom of the skimmer so I am able to keep the filter running for the time being. The next day or two should reveal what needs to be done. No doubt it will cost me a pretty bundle whatever the result!