

Saturday 29 June 2024


  Dinner out with the family yesterday to celebrate the two graduates. I had Fish and Chips with a (very small) helping of coleslaw. But the fish was tender with a delicious beer batter.

 Oldest grandson is off to Quebec on Monday for a month of intense French instruction. He got a bursary to attend a college there so hope he can cope with not speaking English for a month! Although he won't be fluent, it's always something useful to have on his resume.

  It rained heavily all morning but stopped around noon so I got my walk in. The garden was grateful for a good soaking and I only had to water the plants on the porch. After lunch I slept for what seemed like ages (all that fresh air) so may have trouble sleeping tonight. A light dinner tonight, a shrimp and avocado salad, then some TV. Looking forward to Wimbledon starting next week, some Canadians have made it into the main draw.


  1. Good luck to your Grandson with his adventure in Quebec. I'm going to be grateful for all the rain in June that I didn't have to water the gardens or lawn at all. Let's hope for sunny clear skies in Britain for Wimbledon.

    1. Seems like today went off OK with one Canadian (at least) through to the next round.
