

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Heat Dome

    That's what the meterologists are calling our current extreme weather. It has seemingly settled over most of the continent and is set to stay for quite some time. Today was 31C (Humidex 41C) so I reluctantly turned on the A/C this afternoon. Ironically, at Bridge in the community centre we were all complaining of the cold draughts and wearing sweaters. Go figure!

   It was our end-of-season pot luck before we played today and lots of delicious stuff to try. I brought enough home for tonight's dinner so that's sorted. We play one more week and then are off for the summer as the centre is used for day camps and other kid activities for July and August.

   The pool guys were in to fix my leak last week but I missed seeing them in their diving gear as I had other plans that morning. It was the main drain that was leaking so now it is permanently sealed off. I have been complaining about the leak for years as it gradually got worse but finally someone was smart enough to figure out the problem. At least I hope that's the case, we shall see!


  1. That is great they finally figured out the problem. Hey, if you are tired of the heat, send a bit west as we are so cool that our furnace comes on in the mornings. We have it set pretty low too.

    God bless.

    1. Hopefully we will get some relief by the weekend.

  2. Fingers crossed that has sorted the leak for you.
    It's turned a bit warmer here which is nice, but nothing like your current temperatures. I gather it's going to be roasting in the Mediterranean too. xx

    1. Yes, lots of extreme weather all around.

  3. This heat has been too much for any outdoor activities. Lucky you with the pool & hopefully a solved leak.

    1. I will be skipping my outdoor exercise for a while, I think.
