

Sunday 23 June 2024

Changed Days

 The extreme heat has passed but today we have had very powerful winds - I was too nervous to open the awning over the back walkout in case it got blown away! I did manage to cut the grass and do a bit of weeding so not an entirely wasted day.

    Last Wednesday the seniors at the community centre were treated to a BBQ lunch and very nice it was too. I decided to try a veggie burger which was "OK" (but I don't think I will order it again) and there was potato salad, coleslaw and an ice cream bar, all for $5. Unsurprisingly, the tickets sold out pretty fast but my three Bridge friends (and one husband) all managed to score tickets so it was a lively lunch. Lots of my Fitness class friends were there too.

   That same evening I went up to Markham to attend youngest grandson's Grade 8 graduation. Nice to see the 13-and 14-year olds dressed in their  finery, the guys in suits and the girls in party frocks. For me it was a "blast from the past" as this was the first graduation I had attended since participating in them as a teacher. Both my other grandkids were only able to have virtual ceremonies as they graduated during lockdown. I had to miss my own kids ceremonies as they both conflicted with my other duties. Of course I was able to see them receive their University degrees but there's something extra special about moving on from elementary to secondary school.


  1. Your lunch was great value, and it sounds like you were in good company.
    I never realised there were graduations for elementary schools. Lily finishes primary school in just a few weeks, and they usually celebrate with a party or, if the weather is nice, a fun evening on the school field (think water fights and slip'n'slide :)

    1. Yes, even the K to 6 schools have a graduation ceremony. Some even have ceremonies when the kids leave Kindergarten, believe it or not!

  2. How lovely to see your grandson graduate. Good luck to him for the next steps in his education. xx

    1. I have had to miss so many ceremonies over the years it was lovely to see him go up to receive his diploma.

  3. Not all veggie burgers are created equal! Congratulations to your graduate grandson, a milestone for sure.

    1. I'm not a big meat eater so I quite often choose the veggie option.

  4. Now that was a very good lunch for the price. I am glad you got to see the graduation ceremony this time around.

    God bless.

    1. It was fun to see all the kids dressed up!
