

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Some good news and some bad news

    Picked another zucchini today, not sure how it will be prepared but it will keep a few days before I have to use it. Suggestions are welcome!

    I was off early this morning for my grocery shopping, mostly fruit and veg. The mangoes were still on special so I picked up another and may make some rhubarb and mango chutney. Last week's one went into a salad although I had left it just a day too long and some of it was squishy!

   After the deluge yesterday and having to drain off so much rain water, I now am having to refill the pool as it seems to have sprung another leak! It lost a couple of inches overnight but luckily stopped above the bottom of the skimmer so I am able to keep the filter running for the time being. The next day or two should reveal what needs to be done. No doubt it will cost me a pretty bundle whatever the result!


  1. My favorite way to serve zucchini is to dice a small onion, mince a clove of garlic and start to sauté in oil, add a medium tomato, diced, and one or two thin sliced zukes. Season with some oregano and basil (dried is fine), salt and pepper. Cook until zucchini is barely tender. Serve as a side vegetable or still in some cooked pasta for a quick lunch.

    1. That's the kind of recipe I need. I will definitely try it. Thanks for sharing, Ana!

  2. Hoping not an expensive fix. That was a lot of flooding in Toronto on Tuesday.

    1. All's well - no damage or costly repairs, so I was lucky.

  3. Hope the leak is a tiny one and easily repaired. You sure got a great deal of rain. Hope you weren't flooded.

    1. Not sure where the water went but it doesn't seem to be leaking out at the moment. I had a bit of a puddle in the basement but it was easily mopped up.

  4. Oh, no! Fingers crossed it is easily sorted. xx

    1. Yes, the level seems to have stabalized although I'm annoyed at having to add more water after dumping so much!

  5. I hope it's a simple fix. I know how much you enjoy your pool. Xx

  6. I'm going to have the pool guys check it when they come to do the weekly service tomorrow. I think it is back to normal levels now. I do love my pool, I was in twice today!
