

Tuesday 23 July 2024

First Tomato

     I've had a couple of grape tomatoes already but today was the first of the regular ones. The vines are very heavy laden (i had to prop one up that was leaning heavily over) so I am expecting a big crop, unless the varmints get them! I have one, still green, that is the size of both my hands!

   It was extremely hot today so much so I couldn't sit outside even in a wet swimsuit. We played tennis early which wasn't too bad and I had a swim when I got home. My tomato and cheese sandwich for lunch was yummy and I will put the rest in a salad to have with dinner. Probably every meal will contain some ideation of tomato for the next month or two.

   I haven't had to use the A/C much this summer but it came on this afternoon so I stayed in my cool office and took care of some paperwork and phone calls that have been pending for a few days. All but one sorted (cancelling the tech support for my new computer, son-in-law declared it an unnecessary expense) but I will try them again later.