

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Weather Complaints

   Torrential rain today for several hours and flooding all over the city. We had only managed one set of tennis before the skies opened and driving home was horrendous. When I got home I had a fairly big puddle in my basement but it is all mopped up now and should dry out pretty quickly. 

   With all the rain the pool almost overflowed but I had called a friend who advised to do a backwash out to the street to lower the level. However, now I see the liner has detached from the cement wall and will have to be pumped out - another big bill, I suppose! Pool-related expenses have been brutal this year. 

   Now the sun is out and it is getting steamy. The grass badly needs cut but I will wait until the sun goes down to give the grass a chance to dry off and it will be cooler by then. That's it for today, folks!


  1. I believe you are just outside Toronto? Lost power at the office - left and had to walk ages to get to a spot where I could get a subway train. Connecting train was by-passing flooded stations and then I had to walk the last 20 minutes home because there was a power outage at this end of the city! Had to climb 4 flights to my apt - took 2.5 hours to get home (normally takes 45) - exhausting. I believe we are to get better weather come Thursday so hopefully you will be able to get back to the tennis courts. Good luck with the pool repairs.

    1. Sorry you had such a struggle to get home from work. My problems seem minor in comparison! I'm just watching the extent of the flooding on the news - it's way worse than I thought.
