

Wednesday 22 May 2024

A Short Spring!

    We have had temperatures in the high 20's this week but today the car registered 31C  in the middle of the afternoon! Already we are into Summer without much of a chance to adjust to the change from winter weather. The pool is open and filling up as we speak but the water is still a bit chilly. I am hoping to get in sometime over the weekend if the pool guys come back to get the pump started. They can't run it until the water level is above the skimmer. Unfortunately there appears to be a leak, hopefully small, as the water level was really low when they took the cover off. 

   It's been too hot to do any gardening until the sun has gone down and even then it is pretty steamy. I am managing to keep up with the new growth but haven't made much progress on the vegetable plots. The Lilac and Lily-of-the-Valley are pouring out gorgeous perfumes which makes it a pleasure to be out there. I'm sure everything will get done in good time.


  1. We also have a leak and husband investigated last year with no luck. Not sure what the plan will be this year. I’m curious to find out how yours is solved. It was a hot one today! - Jenn

    1. Currently I am just keeping an eye on the water level to determine if it is a serious leak.

  2. Hopefully you will get a long summer this year. You deserve it after your freezing winters.

    1. It's certainly started out well. Just hope it continues!

  3. What a nuisance about the leak - what can be done about it?
    I'm sure you will get the garden sorted in your own good time. xx

    1. The pool guys are quite ingenious about fixing leaks. I will keep you posted as to the progress!

  4. the smell of Lilac and Lily of the Valley make the world a better place.Val

  5. I have a lilac by the front door. It is sublime at the moment!

  6. Sorry to read about your leak. I hope you can get it repaired.

    You could send a bit of heat to us here in Saskatchewan. One would think we are back into the early fall as it is so chilly.

    God bless.

  7. The scent of the lilacs this year is amazing. Let's hope that the leak is small & easily repaired.

  8. Certainly hope your pool leak is minor and can be repaired.
    Lilac and lily of the valley, that must smell lovely.
    My car registered 32*C on Wednesday, cooler temps forecast for nest week.
