

Thursday 30 May 2024

A Bit of This and That

     After a week of summer we are back to more Spring like weather, warm and sunny during the day and cooling off at night. In fact, today we had quite a cold northerly wind, nice for walking but not warm enough to sit outside. I haven't managed a swim yet as the water is still a bit chilly but I am determined to get in the pool tomorrow so I can say I used the pool in May!

   I had postponed my usual Wednesday shop until today and that was a big mistake. Despite being at the store shortly after it opened at 8:00 a.m. it was hoaching with people (lots of specials start on Thursdays) so I will definitely go back to shopping on Wednesdays. I went to get my hair cut this afternoon only to find my usual hairdresser had an emergency and was in hospital. Luckily one of the other ladies fitted me in so my walk up to the mall wasn't wasted. I also went to the bank and picked up a few more groceries which were on special at the other store.

   Enjoying the French Open tennis on TV even though most of the big names in the Men's Draw are absent. A Canadian beat an American today which had us all cheering! Seemingly the French crowds have been very rude which doesn't bode well for the Olympics this summer.



  1. We had lovely, warm weather for a bit, but now it is thunderstorm after thunderstorm. It looks like this type of weather for the rest of this week. No sitting outside, and definitely no outside swimming.

    God bless.

    1. Hope your weather keeps improving, Jackie. It's nice again here today but I know we are quite a bit further south than you.

  2. The day are getting warmer here, but the evenings can still be chilly. I hope you can use your pool today. Xx

    1. Same here, Jules. I did get in the pool!

  3. Goodness, what a day. Changes in routine can be quite unsettling.
    It's quite chilly here in this part of the UK too - dull and windy too, which doesn't help. I hope you get that swim. xx

    1. It was lovely here again today so I had a swim after working in the garden.

  4. We had overnight frost, so if you got into the pool, cheers to being so brave (col). I worry about the Olympics in Paris. Trying to find the sweet time/day for shopping is also something I am trying to sort out.

  5. I think our overnights are around 12C so no frost here. I bought my tomato plants today!
