

Monday 23 September 2024

It Was Bound to Come to an End

     Last of the summer BBQ's at the Seniors' Centre today, followed by Bridge. My partner and I had great cards and won two rubbers which makes up for last week's dismal result. I brought home half of the lunch and will have it for dinner tonight, it was very plentiful!

    I brought in a humungous tomato yesterday, it weighed over a lb. Not sure how I will use it as the large ones tend to be a bit dense so it will probably go into a stew or sauce. The smaller ones are better for sandwiches or salads and there are still plenty of them to pick.  

   The pool will be closed down on Wednesday but I have swum almost every day up until yesterday. The weather has suddenly turned very Autumnal although September has been superb on the whole. A stormy night forecast tonight then cooler temperatures for the rest of the week.

1 comment:

  1. Same here - Autumn has definitely lasted at last.
    I don't think I have ever seen a tomato that big!
