

Friday 5 April 2024

Weather Woes

    The storm has passed although it's still pretty windy. We've had some snow in the last couple of days but nothing compared to Quebec and further west. This is not uncommon here at this time of year but is unwelcome so I'm glad we missed it.

    I had a busy morning - fitness class at 10:30 then a quick trip to the supermarket for their special on compost and top soil. A very kind young man helped me load it all in my car but I still had to unload it when I got home! Lastly, a stop at the Post Office in the drugstore to check the P.O. box for last minute cheques for this month's lunch. We are at over 80 so far but a few more may dribble in next week as this is our most popular lunch as it includes a fashion show. Some of our members are the models which is always fun to see!

   The nets are up at the tennis courts but it's still a bit chilly to be playing. Maybe next week as it is forecast to be much milder. Fingers crossed!


  1. No snow here, though parts of Alberta are really getting hit. We do have nasty winds though, almost scary in their strength.

    God bless.

    1. We seem to have turned the corner, weather-wise as it's warming up.

  2. Just when you think it spring you get a reminder that it can still snow in April!

    1. Today has been glorious! I even got out in the garden for a while.

  3. I'm very glad the weather wasn't as bad as elsewhere. xx

    1. Hopefully it is improving for them now, too.

  4. Yes definitely keeping fingers crossed for weather improving to make tennis a possibility soon.

  5. I will wait a bit until I can play without gloves and a warn jacket!
