

Monday 15 April 2024

Tackling Some Garden Chores

   Early appointment at the Dentist - just a cleaning  so I was home by mid-morning in time for my second breakfast of toast and coffee. My first was just a banana and some yoghurt. Then I had a long walk around the neighbourhood.

   Before I had lunch I got a loaf started in the bread machine and did some tidying in the garden. It`s still too early to plant anything but there are lots of daffodils open and the rhubarb has just started to sprout.

   When I was in the Niagara region last week all the Forsythia was like this and now mine has caught up. So a two hour drive south equates into a week earlier!

   After lunch and a nap I got a pot of soup started and then was back into the garden for another couple of hours as it was so sunny and pleasant. I will have to give the lawn its first cut of the year soon but I am still pulling weeds. Today it was early sprouting mint which was already starting to take over the vegetable plot!   


  1. The difference in your seasons never ceases to amaze me.

    1. This has actually been an earlier start to Spring than normal.

  2. I love your heading - beautiful flowers. xx

    1. The squirrels like them too. Last year they bit off all the heads before they could open!

  3. Based on the Forsythia, I think we are a week behind you. Mr Man put down the weed'n feed with corn gluten yesterday, the company says when the Forsythia starts to bloom is when you put this on the lawns.

    1. Thanks for the tip. I will do that this week, too.

  4. I am a two hours drive further south than Niagara, the forsythia has been out for quite awhile. Weeds are usually the first thing growing in the gardens. Good luck with the mint.

    1. The mint is a perennial problem. I like to have some but it really takes over. You must be close to the U.S. border!

  5. I love how the first flowers of spring tend to be yellow - like bight and cheerful sunshine after a long dark winter.

  6. I bought some pansies today which are a real pick-me-up!

  7. Here my tulips are just starting to poke through the ground. I am so looking forward to seeing them bloom. Planting won't take place here until mid May, though I can get some bulbs planted sooner.

    God bless.

  8. You are quite a bit behind us. My tulips have buds but will be another couple of weeks before blooming.
