

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Unseasonal Weather

     This was my exercise morning so I set off just before 9:00 a.m. for my first class. It finished at 10:00 a.m. and I took a quick run up to the garden centre (Wednesday  is senior's discount day) and bought two more echinicia plants, one pink and one white, and a purple basil. Then back to the senior's centre for my second class which I only get to do half of as it overlaps with my shift in the coffee bar.

   It was very quiet in the coffee bar today as several of the usual classes are finished until July and I had to throw out half a pot of coffee. I usually manage not to have too much left over but today I miscalculated. Sometimes I will bring the leftover coffee home in my thermos but I won't need to make any coffee tomorrow as we get free coffee and snacks at our RTO meeting.

    It has been bitterly cold (for June!) today with a strong wind that feels like it has come from the North Pole! Right now it is 15C although it did get up to 17C at one point this afternoon. However, it feels much colder. No swimming this week - I haven't even bothered to check the temperature of the water. It will be Saturday before it gets to more seasonal temperatures  but the water in the pool will still be rather chilly as the nights are staying cool.

   I managed to get the new plants in the ground, decked out in my warmest hoodie, and I just hope they survive the transplant. Everything else - tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, kale, herbs - are well established and should survive a few cold days. Then I had a long chat with James, my youngest grandson, and we have agreed that he will wait until July to come over for a swim. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will have warmed up by then!

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