

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Still Feels Like Summer

   Gorgeous day - mild and sunny. In fact I had to sit in the shade with my book this afternoon as it was too hot in the sun. A horrendous drive to the tennis courts today - I left about half an hour later than usual and it took me 45 minutes (usual is 15-20). I won't be doing that (leaving later) again!

   I had one of my best days on court today. Nearly all my shots were close to or on the line so earned me some cheap points. I was quite chuffed with myself. As a result of the late start I stayed until noon and had an errand to do on the way home. So straight into lunch followed by a nap.

   After that I cleaned the pool (only the third time this summer) as the pool guys are coming tomorrow to close it up. I hate to see it being put to rest dirty! I will try to get a "before" and  "after " photo in the morning. Then they will send me the bill! I think I have spent less on it this year what with not heating it so much, opening it later due to my trip and closing it earlier. Next year I will be replacing the pump so must start saving for that.

   Tuscan chicken tonight - chicken thighs, artichoke hearts and chickpeas - and there will be some left for tomorrow. I made a tasty dip with the leftover artichokes and had it with some veggies and pita bread with a glass of wine - tasty!