

Wednesday 27 September 2017

A Break From the Heat

     Another record set yesterday but today is considerably cooler. It got up to 27C this afternoon but by the time I was walking home from the senior's centre it was clouding over and there were a few spits of rain. I still had to water the garden but it is now down to 21C. I have all the windows open and the house is quite comfortable. No need for air conditioning tonight!

   I finished my current book this afternoon but there is one waiting for me at the library so that will be my first port of call tomorrow. Meanwhile I will start to reread a book we will be discussing at Book Club next month.

   Pottered in the garden for a while but it's not looking great. The hot weather plus my lack of enthusiasm in the heat have meant it has got somewhat out-of-hand. I have basically only been keeping the grass cut and that hasn't been necessary recently. It was very quiet at the coffee bar this afternoon - I only sold 8 cups of coffee and one pie! Hardly worth my while to be there. However, I had no other place I had to be and at least I got to chat with some of the regulars.

    Something with broccoli for dinner tonight as I need some fibre in my diet!

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