

Monday 29 August 2016

Change of Plans

   I had my day planned out - ironing, hair shampoo and cut the front grass, bridge in the afternoon - but a phone call from Elliot changed all that. They wanted to come over for lunch and a swim, and it would be their last chance before they went back to school. So I quickly switched on the pool heater, found someone else to take my place at the Bridge table and scooted out to pick up a loaf of bread and some cheese.

   They enjoyed their last fling in the pool and left by 2:00 p.m. I had a quick nap then picked some rhubarb as I wanted to make a cake to take to tennis tomorrow. Once the cake was in the oven I relaxed with my book until Ahmet (my window cleaner) arrived to trim some trees that were encroaching on my eaves troughs. That should hold them back for another year or so. Now I just need to get Steve to come over to cut down the nearly dead mountain ash in the front. It is looking very sad and has to go.

   I also cut the front grass - it was badly in need of a trim and looks much better although there are still lots of brown patches. After that I needed another swim and the water was still beautifully warm from the afternoon. I don't think I will have the heater on again this year.

    Still eating leftovers. I had some rhubarb left from the cake and I stewed it with brown sugar and Marsala wine - it was delicious!


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