What a splendid day it has been! Wall-to-wall blue skies - not a cloud in sight - and hot but not uncomfortably so. Tennis first thing, home for a swim by 11:00 a.m. and a bit of shopping before lunch. Since then it has been a mixture of napping, baking, gardening and reading, with several cooling dips in the pool. Now I am ready to settle down with a drink and some avocado and salsa dip. The avocado came (free) from a booth at the Roger's Cup and was just ripe enough - I timed it perfectly as it's sometimes hard to tell when an avocado is ready to eat.
I picked rhubarb this afternoon and made a rhubarb cake in case I have company later in the week, and also roasted some peppers from the garden.
There are several more almost ready to pick - as with the tomatoes they all seem to ripen at the same time and I have to keep eating it all up.
As promised, some photos from the Roger's Cup:
Our station at the Main Entrance. |
The Mazda VIP Lounge entrance. |
Up high in the stands. |
The Final - Novak Djokovic defeated Kei Nishikori in a hard fought match. |
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