Today I had a nice surprise when I checked my bank account - a deposit from Revenue Canada of $1,945! Of course it is my own money so not a windfall. For the last two years, since I started having to withdraw money from my RRIF, I have had to pay tax by installments and, last year, through a combination of circumstances, I was asked to pay too much. This year, hopefully, the amount will more accurately reflect what I actually owe the government. It galls me to hear of the wealthy who manage to pay little or no tax at all. However, I do believe in doing my part to contribute to the economy. I certainly am not in dire straits financially like some other Seniors.
An extremely hot day today (31C and humid) and, even though I arrived early for tennis, I was sweating after one set. I did manage to play two more (with long and frequent breaks in the air conditioned lounge in between). My pool is up and running and I tried for a swim this afternoon to cool off but only got in up to my waist - it is still too cold. A few more days like today and it will be fine for swimming.
I am going to wait until the sun is down to finish my hanging baskets but I did work in the shade, weeding, for about an hour this afternoon. No way was I going to expose myself to any more heat!
I used up the last of the rhubarb from the RW plant sale today by making a jar of rhubarb chutney. Soon I will be picking my own for jam and pies. I have plans for an interesting dinner tonight. I picked up a container of 5 Cheese Dip at the drugstore for 99 cents (usually $3.99) and will use it to top a broccoli casserole. With it I plan to throw together a cucumber salad with blue cheese dressing. Both should be tasty and filling - and no carbs! Breakfast today was half a banana with peanut butter and some reduced sugar yogurt and lunch was vegetable soup, crackers and cheese, so I have done well on the careful eating front. Good for me!
Some shrubs in my garden:
Wigelia |
Lilac |
Chives |
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