

Monday, 27 February 2017

Hava Java Morning

  Met up with friends and acquaintances this morning for coffee and a pastry at Calabria Bakery, courtesy of RTO Social committee. It's free up to $3, then you pay the rest (I didn't have to). Another pleasant day, mix of sun and cloud this morning then a completely blue sky by 2:00 p.m. I sat outside for almost an hour, although well wrapped up, but the sun felt quite warm on my face.

   Bridge had to be cancelled this afternoon as we couldn't find a replacement for Diane. That's two weeks we have missed this month and Pinkie will be away for a couple of weeks later in March. Let's hope we can find someone to replace her, but at least we have more time.

    Tonight's dinner - onion and mushroom pie, using up leftover veggies - to be served with a small salad.

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