

Friday 28 July 2017

First Tomatoes

   Loads of tomatoes on my six plants and I have picked a few cherry tomatoes. I should start getting some of the big ones in the next week or two.

    The day started overcast and a bit windy but by noon the skies had cleared and the wind dropped. Two sets of tennis then home for a swim, lunch and a nap. More gardening and another swim - this is getting to be my regular routine. Fried fish with lemon and peas for dinner. I enjoyed it but found that my usual choice of fish, Basa, is quite high in cholesterol and salt. I will have to check the nutrients chart more carefully. 

   More about the cruise tomorrow.


  1. Your tomatoes are doing very well! Mine have not liked all the moisture and I'm hoping to get whatever I can get from them. -Jenn

  2. I picked the first one yesterday.
