

Friday 15 September 2023

Trying To Be Economical

    Brilliant blue sky today but only 12C when I set out for the tennis club this morning. We had one night recently where the overnight temperature was in single digits! I had been hoping for some summery weather this month but it is really veering towards Fall. I have been busy tidying up the garden and cutting back perennials but now the bins and the composter are pretty much full so I can relax until the next garden refuse pickup on Wednesday.

 Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

   I tried this recipe the other day - the photo is from a magazine but mine looked remarkably like it. I had to substitute a few ingredients but it only took 15 minutes to put together and most of that time was baking the sweet potato in the microwave. I already had something to stuff it with and topped it with grated cheese and chopped green onions. The bonus was that everything in it was needing used up so it felt like a free meal! Today I had a basa fillet with mashed parsnip and peas. The parsnip also needed using up and the fish and peas were from the freezer so, waste not, want not again!