

Monday, 22 January 2018

Addressing the Haggis

   A dark gray day with constant rain. Most of the snow is gone again but will be back later in the week. At least we seem to have been spared freezing rain as the temperature has stayed (barely!) above zero.

   I was all set to go to another demo this afternoon but it was cancelled due to illness at the facility. So I had begged out of my Bridge game for nothing. I did, however, get the Minutes from the last RTO meeting finished and off to Gary which is always a weight off my back. I really hate doing them but have agreed to continue as Secretary for another year. There are others on the committee who do much more than I am prepared to do. 

   A big pot of soup cooking all morning and I enjoyed it for lunch. Red peppers (my favourite vegetable) were on special last week so I have been eating them raw with cheese and crackers for lunches. I refuse to buy them if they are over $3 a pound! No dinner tonight as we are having haggis, 'neeps and tatties after dancing tonight - it's Robbie Burns' birthday!

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