

Saturday, 25 November 2017

Books and Bargains

   Back to the dismal grey weather but at least it isn't cold, 9C when I got up this morning. Just my usual Saturday chores but I was late getting up so was behind the bandwagon all day. I put a loaf in the bread machine before lunch and it turned out well so that will do for the rest of the week. 

   I have made a start on the book for the next Book Club meeting in two weeks. It's a non-fiction, "Quiet" by Susan Cain, not my preference, and is about the world of introverts. So far the author has dealt mainly with extroverts so I am a bit confused as to where she's going with her theme. She has some funny anecdotes to share so I will keep reading. Luckily I have no more books on the go to distract me!

   Dinner tonight is pork souvlaki which was 30% off at the store today. I also got stewing beef similarly reduced and it has gone in the freezer. Love saving money. I am a real cheapskate!

   The fire is taking the chill off things tonight so I am cozy and comfortable.