I had my favourite breakfast this morning, a veggie omelet in a croissant with some coffee. I very rarely have a cooked breakfast so this is somewhat of a treat which I indulge in once a week, and Saturday is the one day I'm not rushing out somewhere. In fact, I rarely make coffee in the morning any more as it is usually on tap at the tennis club or the senior's centre.
A quiet day at home today - just a quick run to the store to stock up on fruit and vegetables. Of course I forgot to buy a cucumber but got a cauliflower (slightly spoiled but good for soup) for $1.97. I used my PC Points so my bill was only $5 and change. I love getting free stuff!
I went shopping in between tennis matches from Wimbledon - a good women's final, then men's doubles followed by a very exciting women's doubles match. It is amazing how fast their hands are, our games are like slow motion in comparison. Serena won the singles and she and her sister won the doubles. Other than that I have just been watering the plants, reading and relaxing.
Salmon for dinner with some kale from the garden. I think I will cook it like spinach with garlic and parmesan on top. Also some potato salad from the freezer. No dessert as I have been nibbling on Brazil nuts all afternoon - they were on special at the bulk food store today.
My current book - quite a tense murder mystery. |
Lavender, sweet peas and echinicia all in bloom at the same time. |
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