

Sunday 13 March 2016

A Busy Weekend

   Gorgeous day yesterday - up in the high teens and I sat out in the sun for quite some time between bouts of garden tidy up. Lucy was here for the weekend and we had a couple of long walks. She is becoming much better behaved while on the leash.

   The monthly dance at Crescent School last night and I danced every dance but came home with aching feet. It took me forever to fall asleep despite a soak in the tub with Epsom Salts. Lucy kept me company as I tossed and turned. The clocks went forward overnight but I woke up before 9:00 a.m. Steve and Alison came for Lucy around 2:00 p.m. and I headed back to bed and slept until 4:00 p.m. so feel back to normal.

    Not as mild today and overcast with a chilly wind so no time in the garden. I used some chunks of stem ginger lurking in the fridge to make a gingerbread cake which is very tasty albeit a bit crumbly. I sliced it for the freezer but nibbled all the broken bits! Just a bowl of soup for lunch. Leftover stew and cabbage for dinner and still some left for tomorrow, that's three meals for the price of a half pound of beef. Apart from the gingercake today was a low carb day. Good for me!

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