

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Biggest Snowfall of the Year

    I woke up to a winter wonderland this morning but the sun came up and turned everything sparkly. It was only about 5cms. but it was quite windy and had drifted in places to more like 10cms. Since the snowblower battery was all loaded I was able to  get started on clearing the driveway by 8:00 a.m. It took about 40 minutes but that's a lot faster than just shovelling. Luckily I was all ready for fitness class so headed over there right away in case the roads were still messy.

    Only 7 of us showed up and even Maria, the coffee lady this morning, didn't make it. The roads weren't too bad and dried quickly with the sun on them. I made a pot of coffee before class started so we (just Anna and me) were able to have our customary cup of joe after our workout. Straight from there to the library as I had books to pick up and some papers to print for tomorrow's RTO meeting. Then home for a quick change and to heat up some soup for lunch.

    I was back at the Senior's Centre for 11:30 to work in the kitchen but fortunately I brought a book as it was very slow today. We only made $16! Normally it's $35 to $40. I closed up around 2:30 and headed home for a nap. It had been a busy day.

   No cooking tonight as I had fish and turnip from yesterday to eat. This was the turnip left over from Burns' night which I had taken out of the freezer the other day but now it's finally all gone. I am looking forward to something fresh tomorrow!

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