I've been feeling rather under the weather for the last couple of days but had things to do, people to see and places to go so......soldiered on regardless.
Yesterday I made a trip to the bank to see about my missing $40 and, voila, it's back in my bank account! Persistence pays off, seemingly. I had to talk to the manager to get it done but it only took a few minutes. As I left she said, "Have a good day", to which I replied, waving the receipt, "Now I will!"
Bridge in the afternoon (Pinkie, Diane and Diru were our group and I had a wonderful hand where I bid 4 and made 6) and dancing at night with a nap in between. Bad news for our social group - the church where we meet has increased the rent to $150 per month (as compared to $25 a week) but also insists we pay for the three summer months we don't meet and don't have any money coming in! If we go along with this we will soon deplete our meagre resources but the management seems entirely oblivious to our concerns! We are looking into an alternative location.
The first Robbie Burns' lunch today despite a heavy snowfall overnight. We did have some snow in December but it soon disappeared so this our first real snowstorm. The snow was quite light so I cleared half the driveway before I left and left myself plenty of time to get to the west end on a very sloppy highway. The pie, haggis and coleslaw was tasty. The haggis was piped in and addressed by Brian, then we performed some dances (I mixed up two but we managed to disguise the fact so I don't think the audience noticed). Then we had the good folks up for a few ceilidh dances so fun was had by all. Filled the car with gas on the way home as it was just 96 cents a litre - the cheapest in quite a while. When I got home I got the snowblower going to clear the rest of the driveway even though more snow is forecast for tonight. I had plugged in the battery before I went out and it worked a charm.

Don't feel like much dinner tonight but there's some fried fish in the fridge in case I get peckish later.
Here's another puzzle I did over Christmas - it was very hard as everything seemed out of focus. It's a well known painting - "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte" by Georges Seurat.