

Saturday, 23 February 2019

The Dragon Meets the Poet

  This was the title of the Gala event we attended yesterday, the dragon to celebrate Chinese New Year and the poet being Robbie Burns whose birthday we celebrated last month. No haggis at this bash but 10 courses of Chinese delicacies. The food was served family style - a huge platter put in the middle of the table and everyone helped themselves (or tried to as we were using chopsticks). Then the next plate arrived and so on. Great fun!

   I nearly missed the whole thing by not reading my e-mails carefully! The venue was changed at the last minute and I must have glossed over that piece of information. The original venue was closed by the Health Inspector for some reason (hate to think what it was) but I seem to be none the worse from the meal at the new spot. There was any number of performances from singers, dancers, and gymnasts - and, of course, the dragon! Forgot to take my camera unfortunately.

   We did a shortened program but had quite a number of attendees up to do "The Gay Gordons" as well. They really seemed to enjoy it.

   Today I was helping out at a Retirement Workshop for teachers, handing out brochures and answering questions. The speaker was excellent and I have a feeling he persuaded quite a few participants to take early retirement!

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