

Sunday 13 December 2015

Quiet on the Home Front

   I made a delicious dinner tonight (why are so many of my posts about food?). It started with two lamb shoulder chops that were reduced at the store yesterday. I decided to braise them in a red wine sauce with onion and mushrooms and they came out really tender. I also made garlic mashed potatoes and green beans so I am well fed tonight. Since the wine was opened I had a glass (or two) with the meal. Later I will have a little yogurt.

    I had a quiet day today - I slept in until 9:15 as I had a late night last night ( the monthly dance then I drove Sue home). I made a nice omelet for breakfast with toast and coffee then did a few chores. Around noon I went for a walk around the block (4,250 steps) then lunch and a nap. I didn't get up until 4:00 p.m. but spent most of that reading "The Girl in the Spider Web". Now all that is left of my day is to watch the latest episode of "Borgen" which is coming on soon - a good finish to a restful day.

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