

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Two Extra Pounds

    I had a nasty shock when I stepped on the scales this morning - I have gained back the two pounds I lost last year. I'm hoping it's just the two big lunches I've had this week and, once I get back to my usual eating habits, they will disappear. I worked extra hard at the Fitness class this morning and went for a walk this evening to compensate. Hope it works!

    Busy day today - Out by 8:45, gym class then errands, back home by 11:00 to change and fix a lunch, then back to the Senior's Centre for 12:00 to tend the coffee bar, finished there by about 3:15 after counting the cash and making the deposit. When I got home I made a jar of chutney as I still have eggplants from the garden to use. Since then I have been vegging out either on the computer or in front of the TV. That's enough activity for one day!

   A nice light dinner tonight, broiled salmon, mashed sweet potatoes and peas, all ready in 10-12 minutes. I will try not to eat too many of Natalie's Girl Guide cookies tonight (the good ones, mint and chocolate  covered) which may have contributed slightly to my weight gain, but will have a couple with hot milk before I go to bed.

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