

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Tail of the Hurricane

   Monday and Tuesday were nice although chilly but today has been continuous heavy rain and blustery winds. I have been dashing from one location to another, trying to avoid a soaking!

   On Monday I stayed home until the evening, except for a walk up to the mall for library books and some groceries. The bag was rather heavy walking home and my hands were pretty cold. One of the items from the library was the DVD of the first season of "Game of Thrones", which I am currently reading. I am trying to keep ahead of the episodes, but am watching a couple each night.

   On Tuesday I was at tennis (indoor at Hendrina's condo) by 10:a.m., home by 12:00 and changed before Bridge lessons. I took my lunch as we were there until 2:30 when I finally got home for a nap.

    First thing this morning was "Stretch and Strength" class followed by coffee and chat with the other ladies. I didn't stay long as I needed to get home to change before my coffee bar duties. It was quite quiet as many of the regulars had stayed home because of the inclement weather. No nap today as I went straight from the coffee bar to Book Club where we discussed "The Paris Architect". It hadn't been one of my favourites but I read it and enjoyed it nevertheless.

   Chicken in coconut sauce again as I have to use up the rest of the can of coconut milk. But meanwhile I am watching another episode of "Game of Thrones" - very violent!

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