

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Busy in the Kitchen

   Gorgeous day today with the temperature in the double digits by the afternoon. The morning was sunny, although breezy, but it clouded over in the afternoon. I took a walk around the garden and saw lots of shoots pushing up but the shaded areas are still very wet so I wasn't tempted to start preparing the beds. Amazing for February!

   After dealing with the laundry this morning I went up to Bridlewood Mall for a couple of things I forgot to pick up yesterday. There's another restaurant opening up there soon. That will make 5, not counting the bubble tea shop and  the juice bar. I don't know how they will all survive as they never seem very busy, although I'm usually not there at meal times.

   After lunch I put a loaf in the bread maker and later I made a beef stew with loads of vegetables, including my favourite - brussell sprouts! It cooked away in the oven for 4 hours and came out quite delicious. Lots of leftovers for the rest of the week. I will slice the loaf later on and test a slice with jam, then store the slices in the freezer. That should last me a couple of weeks.

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