

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Doing Some Rereading

   The libraries are still not open and I am running out of reading material. Curb side pick up and drop off is supposed to start next week but you have to book a time, which is a pain. I have moved all my "holds" to a branch that has a curb (my home branch is in a mall so won't be opening) so hopefully I will get some books and videos soon.

   I have several books set in France that I have dug out. I read "The Olive Harvest" by Carol Drinkwater last week and today started "A Good Year" by Peter Mayle. Another book I plan to read again is "French Kisses", by George East, set in Normandy so a bit different from the first two which are set in the south of France. 

I have read most of his books but this is the only one I own. I might try to see if the library has a copy of the film based on it.


  1. Fingers crossed for the books!

    1. I found the movie too which will come soon.

  2. Good idea to move your pick up location. Maybe along with your books you are currently reading you could match your meals to match - help with that armchair travel feel (col). ... Mary-Lou =^[..]^=

    1. The Peter Mayle book spends quite a bit describing Provencal food!

  3. When we had come to the end of our stack of library books I took out a year's subscription to a fortnightly current affairs magazine for my husband. His first edition coincided with the reopening of our local library. Now he has too much to read!

  4. That may happen here too as I have so many items on hold. If they all come at once I will be busy!
