

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Still Eating Home Grown Tomatoes

   More simple eating today - fruit and yogurt for breakfast, coffee and a couple of cookies after exercise class, a bowl of carrot and lentil soup for lunch with a hardboiled egg, some cheese and a half apple. After a big meal out I often feel rather jaded for a day or two. 

   I forgot to take anything out of the freezer for dinner so it may be a vegetarian meal but it will be something simple. I plan to roast some butternut squash so may throw in some other vegetables. I still have some potatoes dug up from the garden last month so a couple could go in too. Full disclosure, right now I am snacking(!) on crackers, blue cheese and grapes so, no rush to start fixing dinner!

   Much milder today but the snow is still lying about. On my walk this morning I noticed how many people hadn't managed to rake the leaves off their lawn before the snowfall and now they are a soggy matted mess - that won't do the lawns much good come next Spring!

Another tomato from the garden that ripened indoors. It was actually quite tasty and juicy in a sandwich the other day. Still a few more to come!


  1. How lovely that you are still enjoying your tomatoes, ah the sweetness of summer lingering. We are in the majority of our neighbourhood - snow before all the leaves got raked, I think spring will be a messy clean up.

  2. One more almost ready to eat but I think the rest will have to be made into chutney.
