

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Dancing, Lunch and Tires checked...

    Busy day!  James did not appear at my doorstep so he must have recovered sufficiently to go to Day Care. I know they don't want sick kids showing up (and I don't blame them, bugs spread pretty fast). So off I went to dance with my RSCDS (Royal Scottish Country Dancing) colleagues at a Church Senior's Luncheon. We did seven dances and also cajoled a few of the Senior's to join us on the floor for 4 ceilidh (sp?) dances. The audience was enhanced by the presence of about two dozen pre-schoolers from the church school program. They were by far the most enthusiastic, joining us on the floor for a modified Circassian Circle!

    We were treated to lunch after the performance (no need for dinner tonight) and left on a high note, vowing to return next Valentine's Day. Maybe more will be encouraged to join in the dancing now that they have seen how easy and fun it is.

   On the way home I dropped in to my Toyota dealership and got the tires checked - all were low, no charge to have them brought up to the correct level and it only took 45 minutes! How I love my Toyota!! Almost finished "Meridon". "Anna Karenina" is waiting on my bedside table. I went to the movie a couple of weeks ago and need to read the book to see how closely they resemble each other - not much I suspect!

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