

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

A Trip to the 'Burbs

    James is still sick and Judy has taken a lieu day to volunteer at her other kids' school. So I am off at the crack of dawn (well, 8:15) to the 'burbs to babysit James at home. He is a sad little munchkin when I arrive but cheers up a bit as the day progresses. We even managed a trip to the library where he found lots of neat stuff to play with and borrowed a couple of books. I cooked his favourite lunch, Mac and Cheese, which he ate with gusto. Then down for a nap. Hope he makes it to daycare tomorrow as I am unavailable as backup. More on that tomorrow. Suffice to say I have some dances to practice tonight!

    Took a nap myself this afternoon (bad idea!) and woke up with a headache. Hope I am not coming down with James's bug. I think I will stay home this evening and get an early night. All will look better in the morning.

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