

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

A Nasty Experience

Got a call today to go to the local elementary school to cover one of the Kindergarten classes. I had previously been there for the other Kdgn. and had a reasonably good morning, but this group was quite another kettle of fish. Probably just a bad mix of kids, but we had fights, tears and accidents (no one hurt, thank goodness). I won't be going back to that room again, if I can avoid it. I feel badly because the principal has been very good about sending jobs my way, and the other classes have been fine. But this is one morning I would rather not repeat!
    I am still digging out from the snowstorm we had last week - a big snowbank on one half of the driveway where I dumped the snow blocking in my car. Now it is melting and as heavy as concrete. I dig away at it a little bit at a time to avoid wrecking my back. It's supposed to get colder this weekend so it will be there for the duration of winter. Is it time to downsize to a  condo or bungalow with snow removal?

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