

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

First Day of Spring

   Woke up to freezing temperatures but brilliant sunshine this morning. So much for it being the first day of Spring! We lost the sun before noon and had snow flurries (at one point a blizzard for half-an-hour) for most of the afternoon. Now the sun is back (4:00 pm) and everything is starting to drip. Shovelled the first layer  of snow but will leave the rest to melt, hopefully by the weekend.

   A couple of posts ago I had documented how my spring bulbs were coming along. Now they are once again  poking through a layer of snow. It's amazing how they survive several thaw/freeze cycles with only a little damage to their leaves. It will still be some time, however, until we have flowers. Winter has felt unnaturally long this year!
After today's snow

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