

Friday, 3 July 2020

Two Delights in my Garden

   Highlight of my day - I spotted a pair of Goldfinches in my bird bath! Too bad I don't have a telephoto lens on my camera. They were just too small and far away for a photo.  Like the Cardinals they seem to travel in pairs. They flitted about for a few minutes then took off for better feeding grounds.

   A new addition to my garden this year is this Clematis, "The President", a beautiful shade. I have tried clematis before but with little success - mostly foliage but few flowers. This one is in a different spot so I am hoping for better luck with it. The big question will be whether it survives the winter. I will cut it back in the Fall and protect it with compost. That should do the trick.


  1. I love that colour - I have one that is blooming and another that is very spindly - in fact it prefers going next door through the fence!

    1. I think that's happening to mine too. Luckily the blossoms are on my side!

  2. What a beautiful clematis, such a vibrant colour. I inherited a similar one when we moved here to Derbyshire, it gave me two wonderful flowers but has been struggling since then. I'm hoping that some TLC will help it to thrive.

    1. Yes, they seem to be bit temperamental! I understand they like sandy soil (so good drainage) and not too much sun.

  3. I have read that one of the biggest tricks to growing clematis is when to but them back. Your's is displaying some beautiful blooms.

    1. My gardening book says to "prune late winter or early spring, before new growth occurs, cut back 1/3 of stems to 30 cms. above ground". Will give it a try.

  4. Replies
    1. There is one more bud almost ready to open.
