

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Change in the Weather

   An overcast morning and much cooler. We had rain on and off most of the morning but really not enough to bring back the lawn and the wilting plants. But it is such a relief after the intense heat of the last week! I have all the windows open to catch whatever breeze happens to be passing.

   A quiet day for me - just one trip to the library to pick up an Anne Cleves book. So grateful that the library is once again up and running although we have to order online and pickup at the curb. Now I have some DVDs to watch if there's nothing on TV. Tonight it is the first season of a series recommended to me, "Marcella", and it looks pretty good. 

    I made a batch of pesto this afternoon, not sure what I will use it for but it will keep for a while in the fridge. I used the garlic scapes I trimmed recently and lots of basil (my basil is growing like crazy this year!). A crushed garlic clove, my best olive oil and some parmesan cheese completed the recipe. It does smell wonderfully aromatic!


  1. Rain can be such a blessing, can't it? I am sure that things will green up following it.

  2. We had a bit more today but things are still very brown.
