

Monday 6 November 2023

Frost on the Pumpkin

    Yes, we've had frost a couple of nights but no snow so far. I have a lot to catch up on as it is ages since my last post. I just don't seem to have any enthusiasm for getting my thoughts down!

   The weather has been pretty miserable - today we had thunder and lightning - but I have been plugging away at getting the garden ready for winter. I put compost on some of my more delicate perennials, mostly roses, but also the clematis. Hope they all survive! The grass has had its last cut so it only means raking up all the leaves and composting them. Today we had strong winds and heavy rain so that should bring down most of the leaves. I don't usually start raking until they are all down.

   Hallowe'en went by pretty well unnoticed on my street as we have very few families with kids. I didn't even bother carving and lighting a pumpkin, and only had one ring of my doorbell (I didn't answer it, Scrooge that I am!). We had a meeting of the RTO Executive on Thursday at the local Community Centre but it didn't even get started as we had to evacuate for a fire in the electrical room. Luckily I live fairly close by so we decamped to my living room and managed to get through the agenda by noon. 

   Book club that afternoon was a very lively discussion (aren't they always?) of "The Vanishing Half" by Brit Bennet. Clara and I are presenting the next book in December, "The Hidden Child" (more on that later) so we had better come up with some good questions!

   This Monday's meeting of the Knitters and Crafters had to be cancelled due to the aforementioned fire (we meet in the same building) and I also missed my Bridge game as I had got a substitute to play for me so I could go for lunch with the Crafting ladies! Best laid plans, and all that!



  1. I hope the fire didn't cause too much damage and that it is easily put right. xx

    1. Still waiting to hear when we can get back in the building.

  2. I was very surprised by the thunder & lightening yesterday but more surprised that my little chipmunk friend was still out, so I kept under the shelter of the eves & feed him peanuts. Oh near missing both your bridge game & your crafting time :(

  3. Freezing rain here this morning and now the sun is shining. We are supposed to get snow overnight though.

    I hope the fire did not damage very much.

    God bless.

  4. Yes, unusual weather! Does the chipmunk hibernate over the winter? We see the squirrels all year round.

    1. Chris I'm not sure it's 100% hibernation for the chipmunks, I think the term is called torpor which is more of a nap compared to other species that truly hibernate, which I think means that they don't come out of their under ground den, but move, slowly about to eat from their stored foods. I think they are still about because of the milder weather so far. :)
