

Friday 24 November 2023

Too Much of a Good Thing

    Fitness class was cancelled again today as Alison went on a two week vacation without giving the coordinator time to find a replacement. Also my Wednesday class was cancelled as Brenda was sick so only my home workouts this week. They are quite good, cover cardio, abdominals and upper and lower body toning but are rather boring! I'd much rather workout in a class.

   This was all rather unfortunate as I had a week of overeating. Tuesday was the worst as it was the Christmas lunch at the country club - turkey, stuffing etc. followed by gooey squares and coffee. All delicious but I had to be careful as I was going out in the evening for granddaughter's 16th birthday party. I tried to eat the minimum at both events but it was all so delicious! Just too bad to have two meals scheduled for the same day.

   Thursday was the RODEO "Eating Around the World" outing. This month it was the letter B and we ate at a Turkish restaurant for The Balkans. I just had an appetizer but that was followed by yummy Turkish Delight with rosewater and pistachios. Next time will be January and for the letter C it will either be China or Czeck, I voted for dim sum at a Chinese place.

   One nice thing was the entertainment at the Tuesday lunch - the Enchanted Flutes, a group of musicians who, as always, were spectacular! We were singing along and dancing in the aisles - I was anyway. That's one way to work off a big meal!


  1. Your culinary excursions sound amazing. Dancing in the aisles - there should be more of it!

    1. I couldn't sit still, the music was so catchy.

  2. It's hard to say 'no' when someone else has cooked it, you have, presumably, already paid for it and it's there, calling to you!!
    It sounds like a pleasant week, all the same. xx

    1. Next week will be back to normal eating.

  3. I have been over eating these past few days too. A run up to the season of over indulgence, which I find hard to resist. Your ABC of eating around the world is such a great idea. Enjoy.

    1. It's going to take a while to get through the whole alphabet.

  4. Tis the season of treats. I like your group's idea of eating around the world. It saves on that age old question, where do you want to go? I'm sure all your dancing will help with any those delicious lunches/dinners.

    1. I usually use the argument that it's OK to indulge occasionally but a whole month of treats and eating out can cause real damage. And it's not even December yet!
