

Thursday 16 November 2023

Free Books and a Cheap Meal - what's not to like?

    With the runup to Christmas my calendar is filling up fast. I am endeavoring to limit myself to one meal out a week, not just to avoid overeating but also with the cost of eating out. This week has been good as I just went to the "Festive Special" with two of my Bridge friends at the Seniors Centre on Tuesday. The meal was catered by Swiss Chalet (our local chicken franchise), followed by entertainment by the Line Dancers. We got the meal for just $10, subsidized by the Centre Executive. It was a sold out event as it was such a good deal!

   Today was the November Probus meeting and I found the speaker this week rather disappointing, partially because she didn't use the microphone properly and I missed a lot of her presentation. However, it was still nice to be out and socializing with friends and acquaintances. I found a couple of interesting books on the book exchange table (I had brought in four books I was done with) one of which was long-listed for this year's Giller Prize. Can't wait to get started on it!

   In the afternoon I had a long walk as the weather was cooperating and I had my hat and gloves off by the time I got home. Lovely blue skies!


  1. Eating out is really getting expensive. You are wise to limit yourself to once a week during the leadup to Christmas.

    God bless.

    1. It may be tough to keep to that in the next few weeks - so many Christmas parties and a couple of birthdays.

  2. Sounds like a fun lunch. Eating out, eating in, all very expensive these days, but I must admit I prefer to be home making my own meals - OK mostly I'm happy to do (lol). The weather has been wonderful for outside time.

    1. Hope the nice days continue for a few more weeks. I'm not ready for winter yet!

  3. Eating out is expensive, I do not do it very often because of that. It amazes me how so many families are eating in restaurants, it must cost almost as much as several days of food that could be prepared at home. My calendar is filling up also Nov and Dec are both busy months for me. Glad you enjoyed your meal at the Sr. Centre.

    1. That always surprises me too when I hear one in ten people have to use food banks. Not in my neighborhood obviously!

  4. We too are trying to limit our meals out, still trying to lose weight and it isn't easy!

  5. Eating out does tend to play havoc with sensible eating, doesn't it?

  6. I was interested in Probus I had not known of the organization before. I was delighted to see there is a group in my area. I would enjoy a book exchange table, you sound like you did really well. Jean in Winnipeg
