

Monday 23 October 2023

A Fristy Frosty Morning

    The nasturtiums in my header photo had to go yesterday as frost was forecast last night and, yes, there was frost on the pumpkin this morning. I was out early for a dental appointment and didn't leave any time to scrape the ice off the car windows - nearly made myself late! After the dentist I was due for my Covid shot but I had been hoping to also get the 'flu shot. That's booked for next Monday.

   Tennis on Sunday was brutally cold but we soldiered on and managed two sets. The wind screens had been taken down and the wind was pretty strong. The sun finally appeared and I was actually beginning to warm up by the time we stopped but I never did manage to take off any layers. We must have looked a fright in our winter jackets, hats and gloves. Just two more days, Thursday and Sunday and that will be it until April. Boo Hoo!

   The leaves have finally started to turn and, no doubt, will be littering the lawns and sidewalks soon. But I did manage to grab a few shots at the park on Sunday.

This bush is actually in my back yard. I think it's called "Burning Bush" for obvious reasons!


  1. Stunning photos - the colours are glorious! xx

    1. They're a bit late this year but worth the wait.

  2. Your Burning Bush looks magnificent in full flame! Hopefully the weather over the next few days warms up a bit with the winds done, so you can get a few games in before the nets come down.

  3. Much more pleasant today, for sure!

  4. Ontario always has such a lovely, colourful fall. I really miss that.

    Right now we have about 10" of snow with more headed our way.

    God bless.

  5. Still mild here - hope the snow stays away for a while yet!
