

Sunday 23 April 2023

Tax Time

     Despite being in the midst of a strike by public service workers, we still have to get our tax returns in by the end of the month. That's just seven days off!

    I am almost done but discovered an error while copying out the good version. so had to redo all my calculations. I owe money this year and the error added another $20 to that bill. So I wasn't a happy camper for a while. Never mind, I feel better after a glass of vodka cooler and some yummy cheese and crackers.

   It has been a rather dismal weekend, cooler and rainy. Normally I would have been out on the tennis courts today but since no one is around yet to play with (one friend in the U.K. at a funeral and another still vacationing in Florida) I didn't feel the need to rush over there this morning. It will keep for another week. The official opening day is next Saturday so let's hope for better weather by then.


  1. Ah yes Tax Time! Their union representative certainly shouts a lot. How exciting to be anticipating another season of tennis.

    1. Hope I can still manage to play at my advanced age!

  2. Got ours done in early March...Owed zero, got zero back...I like it that way!
    Enjoy the week!

    1. Well done! I will just have to bite the bullet and pay up.

  3. What a pain for you. I hate filling in that sort of thing. xx

  4. Well, it's done now and on time too.

  5. It is also good to get that task finished, isn't it. Well, except that we thought our taxes were submitted and finalized over a month ago, but were only half right. We just got a letter from the IRS saying we needed to "verify" our return before it was accepted. Luckily it was just a matter of setting up an account, but of course that had a few snafus of its own. Still it took less time than I had expected at first. We were overpaid but applying our refund to our first quarter estimate, so it made no difference in terms cash flow. It doesn't seem as though we are moving in the direction of simplification though.
